Sa Solunom delim uspomene iz puberteta i prve korake u muzičkoj karijeri. Volim svaki njegov kutak. On je mešavina velikog grada i ostrva I mao sam 10 godina kada smo se iz Diseldorfa doselili u Solun. Bi- lo je drugo vreme... Morao sam naporno da radim iako sam bio tek dečak. Roditelji su mi se razveli i ja sam preko noći postao glavni muš- karac u kuci. U našoj zemlji nam je ži- vot bio lakši nego u Nemačkoj, ali ne- dostajali su mi prijatelji iz detinjstva. Grci imaju dobro srce, razumni su, pažljivi, simpatični, veseli, gostoljubi- vi, jednostavnih manira i veoma su po- svećeni porodičnom životu. Znaju kako da podele ono što imaju i da se pona- šaju tako da se osećate kao da ste kod kuce. Dele svoju muziku s drugima, svoje misli i novac. Kod Grka je stvar- no sve ono što vidite, ništa nije skrive- no. Naša iskrenost je u našem pejzažu, našoj zemlji i, naravno, našim srcima. Solun skoro da mi je i rodni grad. S njim delim uspomene iz puberte- ta i prve korake u muzičkoj karijeri i volim svaki njegov kutak. Mešavina je velikog grada i ostrva, živi na sa- mom moru. Atmosfera je vrlo opušte- na, a grad lak za kretanje. Ima mno- go prodavnica, kafića, čovek stvarno može da uživa dok pije kafu gledaju- ći more i nebo. Volim da se šetam pored Bele kule, da popijem kafu na Aristotelovom tr- gu u centru grada i da jedem u omilje- nim restoranima. Uglavnom jedem me- so, pa najčešće i idem na takva mesta. Solun je pruža pravo gastronom- sko zadovoljstvo. Probajte musaku, su- vlaki ili grčku salatu, koja je srce naše kuhinje. Mi drugačije kuvamo, kori- stimo grčko ulje, ma sve je drugačije. Naša zemlja ima i sasvim druga- čiju muziku. Mnogo je putovala kroz vreme, ali oduvek smo imali tradiciju. Buzuki je možda najbolja metafora grč- ke duše, a svi ste čuli i za Grka Zorbu i znate muziku Mikisa Teodorakisa. Solun ima fantastičan noćni život, ne samo zbog buzuki klubova već i zbog diskoteka, pabova, a leti se svi sele na Halkidiki, koji postaje produ- žetak ovog velikog grada. Morate posetiti Solun, pa da se sami uverite zašto je poseban. To je očaravajući grad, pun mirisa i ukusa, osmeha i zagrljaja, energije i zabave. Grad koji nikad ne spava, grad u kojem nikada nećete videti praznu ulicu.
I share with it my memories of puberty and the first steps in my music career. I love every one of its corners. It is a blend of a big city and an island I was ten years old when we moved from Dusseldorf to Thessaloniki. That was an- other time, when I had to work hard, de- spite only being a boy. My parents got di- vorced and I became the man of the house overnight. Life was easier for us in our coun- try than it had been in Germany, but I missed my childhood friends. Greeks have good hearts and are reason- able, attentive, sympathetic, cheerful, friend- ly, with simple manners and great devotion to family life. They will never ignore or offend any foreigner or visitor to their country. They know how to share what they have and behave in such a way that you feel at home. They share their music with others, their thoughts and money. With the Greeks you really see it all, with nothing hidden. Our sincerity is in our land- scape, our country and, of course, our hearts. Thessaloniki is almost like my birthplace. I share with it my memories of puberty and the first steps in my music career. I love every one of its corners. It is a blend of a big city and an island. It lives on the very edge of the sea. The atmosphere is very re- laxed, and the city is easy to navigate. There are a lot of shops, lots of bars; one really can enjoy oneself while drinking coffee, watching the sea and the sky. I like to walk beside the White Tower, to drink coffee on Aristotle Square in the centre of town and eat at my favourite restaurants. I mostly eat meat, so I usually go to those kinds of places. Thessaloniki is a city that offers tourists genuine gastronomic satisfaction. Try the moussaka, souvlaki and Greek salad, which is at the heart of our cuisine. Simply, we cook differently, using Greek oil, and everything is different. Our country also has completely different music. It has travelled through time a lot, but we always had tradition. Bouzouki is perhaps the best metaphor of the Greek soul. Every- body knows Zorba the Greek and the music of Mikis Theodorakis. Thessaloniki has fantastic nightlife, not on- ly because of the bouzouki clubs, but also be- cause of its discotheques, pubs etc. Over the summer we all relocate to Halkidiki, which be- comes an extension of this great city. You have to visit Thessaloniki and see for yourself why it is special. It is an enchanting city, filled with scents and flavours, smiles and hugs, energy and fun; a city that nev- er sleeps; a city where you’ll never see an empty street.
KO JE REMOS On je najpopularniji grčki pevač, mnogi ga smatra- ju i najboljim muškim vokalom današnjice. Prvi al- bum objavio je 1996. godine, a počeo je da peva još kao dete. – Radio sam mnogo poslova tokom puberteta i para- lelno s tim sam i pevao. To je nešto što dolazi iz mo- je duše, nešto o čemu sam noćima sanjao i žarko že- leo da postignem. Posećivao sam neki klub kad sam imao 16-17 godina i svaki put sam se nadao da će se nešto desiti, da ce me neko čuti. I upravo se to se i dogodilo. Jedne večeri razboleo se pevač koji je re- dovno nastupao. Znate onu staru – ako nešto žarko želite... Volim pevanje, to je moj život - kaže Remos, i poziva vas da ga slušate ovog leta na Mikonosu, gde će na sceni Nammos u nekoliko dueta podeliti binu sa Erosom Ramacotijem..
Aristotelov trg i Bela kula u Solunu Aristotelous Square and White tower in Thessaloniki
WHO IS REMOS? He is the most popular Greek singer, and is conside- red by many as being the best male vocalist of our ti- me. He released his first album in 1996. and started sin- ging as a child. - I remember doing many jobs during puberty, while in parallel I also sang. That’s something that comes from my heart, something I spent nights dreaming of and that I was anxious to achieve. I visited a local club when I was 16, 17. Every time I hoped something would happen, that someone would hear me. And that’s precisely what hap- pened. One evening the singer who regularly performed got sick. You know the old saying, if you want something strong enough... I love singing, it’s my life - says Ramos, in- viting you to come to Mykonos to hear him and Eros Ra- mazzoti singing duets together.
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