Elevate July 2017 | Air Serbia


Verovao je da je bolje živeti slobodan jedan jedini čas no proživeti dug vek u ropstvu, a njegove poslednje reči bile su: „Posejao sam bogato seme. Dolazi čas kada će moja zemlja brati slavno voće“ K ula Nebojša u Donjem gra- du, na mestu gde se Kale- megdanska tvrđava spušta prema ušću Save u Dunav, predstavlja simbol stradanja srpskog i drugih balkanskih naroda pod vi- ševekovnom okupacijom Turaka Osmanlija. Ova lepotica od kame- na istovremeno je i jedan od najsa- vremenijih muzeja u Beogradu, opre- mljen pomoću novca i muzeološke struke Grčke. Ne u nameri da se oduži darodav- cu, već zbog suštinske veze između Rige od Fere, čuvenog grčkog pesnika i revolucionara, sa drugim ovde uta- mničenim junacima, čitav sprat Ku- le njemu je posvećen. Rigi od Fere je data i jedna ulica u centru srpske pre- stonice, ulepšana njegovom bronza- nom statuom, da naraštaji pamte nje- gov slobodarski duh. Po cenu smrti, u istoj toj kuli tamnici, 13. juna 1798. godine, i sam njegov život bio je na- lik kakvom mitološkom epu. – Kao dvadesetogodišnjak, on je ubio jednog znamenitog Turčina, te je morao da pobegne u vrleti plani- ne Olimp – opisuje Ana Rajlić iz Beo- gradske tvrđave kako mu se sudbina začas preokrenula i kako su se ugod- ni dani u zelenim vrtovima Tesalije, na udobnoj poziciji učitelja i sa svim privilegijama porodičnog bogatstva, pretvorili u izgnanstvo. U početku, Riga od Fere bio je pridružen grupi boraca otpora pod vođstvom Spire Zere, da bi se ubrzo priključio monasima na Svetoj gori u jednom od manastira, Vatopedu. Ne- ma većeg neprijatelja zulumu od zna- nja i obrazovanja, tako je razmišljao,

He believed that it’s better to live free for one hour than to spend a long life in captivity, and his last words were “I have sown rich seeds. The moment is coming when my country will pick the glorious fruit”

Tekst / Words: Dragana Nikoletić Fotografije / Photography: Petar Marković

N ebojša Tower in Lower Town, where Belgrade’s Kalemegdan Fortress descends towards the confluence of the Sava and the Danube, represents a symbol of the suffering of Serbian and other Balkan peoples under the centuries of the Turkish Ottoman occu- pation. At the same time, this stone beau- ty is one of the most modern museums in Belgrade, equipped with the help of Greek funding and museum expertise. And is it not in an effort to repay the donor, but rather due to the essential con- nection between Rigas Feraios - the famous Greek poet and revolutionary with other he- roes imprisoned here - that an entire floor of the tower is dedicated to him. Rigas Fe- raios has also been given a street in the cen- tre of the Serbian capital, beautified with his bronze statue, for generations to remember his libertarian spirit. At the cost of death in that same dungeon tower, on 13 th June 1798, his life was almost like a mythological epic. - As a twenty year old, he shot a famous Turk and had to flee to the cliffs of Mount Olympus - describes Ana Rajlić from the Belgrade Fortress, explaining how his fate turned around in an instant; how his com- fortable days in the green gardens of Thes- saly, in the comfortable position of a teach- er and with all the privileges of his family wealth, turned into exile. Rigas Feraios was initially associated with a group of resistance fighters led by Spire Zere, but he soon joined the monks on Mount Athos at one of the monaster- ies, Vatopaiidi. There is no greater enemy of depredation than knowledge and edu- cation, so he thought, then learned sever- al languages in Bucharest. Important news also travelled quickly before the internet, so when this rebellious young man heard

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