Epska istorija srpske prestonice / Epic history of the Serbian capital
considered too libertarian. A complex fusion of cultures is reflected in the development of the capital city. Miloš Obrenović, the fa- ther of Prince Mihailo, extended the city to Košutnjak, with a view to the European trend of royal court complexes being sur- rounded by gardens. With the practicality of a pig merchant, which Miloš was by“vo- cation”, he was not permitted to keep them in the gardens. The meadows of Topčider were partly a place for picnics, and partly a work station for livestock (and fish) ear- marked for export to the West, and here was also conceived a nursery of ornamental plants. In Vienna he purchased plane trees, the large trees that grace many of the boule- vards of European capitals. The memorial to this time is in the form of the great tree of this continental type, with its branches supported by 18 metal poles, next to Mi- loš’s Topčider residence. The epic History of Belgrade, filled with wars and destruction, ensures that wherev- er you scrape here you will encounter trac- es of previous civilisations. Even before the systematic organisation of people, during prehistoric times, this territory was inhab- ited by Neanderthals. The skeleton of one, killed in a fight with a mammoth, was found in 1938 during the construction of Alba- nia Palace. The mammoth also didn’t fare any better, judging by the remains found in the vicinity. In these turbulent conditions that are typical for the central part of the Balkans it is no wonder that we call this part of the world a “powder keg”... And in the glory of this turbulent his- tory, the Days of Belgrade have been cele- brated continuously every April since 2003, with fun activities, but also serious pro- grammes. This year’s event will be marked by concerts of classical, pop and jazz mu- sic. Visitors will stroll along the Sava prom- enade to the Belgrade fortress, where an exhibition of the Museum of the City of Belgrade will be located: featuring a se- lection of authentic photographs related to the anniversary of the handover of the keys to the city. In the early Middle Ages, Belgrade was a haven for many Balkan peoples fleeing the Ottoman authorities, but it was itself conquered in 1521 by the army of Suleiman the Magnificent
U ranom srednjem veku Beograd je bio utočište mnogim balkanskim narodima koji su bežali od vlasti Osmanlija, ali je i njega 1521. pokorila vojska Sulejmana Veličanstvenog
po ugledu na tek doneti francuski, bio je previše slobodarski. Komplek- san miks kultura ogledao se i u ra- zvoju glavnog grada. Miloš Obreno- vić, otac kneza Mihaila, širio ga je ka Košutnjaku, po ugledu na modu u Evropi da dvorski kompleksi bu- du okruženi vrtovima. Praktičnost tr- govca svinjama, što je Miloš po vo- kaciji bio, nije mu dozvolila da se zadrži na baštama. Livade Topčide- ra delom su bile mesto za piknike, a delom stanice za stoku (i ribu) pred izvoz na zapad, a na njima je začet i rasadnik ukrasnog rastinja. U Beču su kupovani platani, krupno drveće koje krasi mnoge bulevare metropo- la Evrope. Spomen na to vreme je ogromno stablo ove kontinentalne vrste poduprtih grana sa 18 stubova kraj Miloševog konaka u Topčideru. Epska istorija Beograda, puna ratova i rušenja, učinila je da ovde, gde god zagrebeš, nailaziš na trago- ve prethodnih civilizacija. Čak i pre sistemske organizacije ljudi, u prai- storijsko doba, ovu teritoriju su na- seljavali neandertalci. Skelet jednog, palog u borbi s mamutom, pronađen je 1938. prilikom izgradnje Palate Al- banija . Ni mamut nije bolje prošao, sudeći po ostacima nađenim u bli- zini. Zbog tih trusnih uslova, tipič- nih za centralni deo Balkana, ne tre- ba da čudi što ovaj deo sveta zovemo bure baruta... A u slavu burne istorije svakog aprila od 2003, u kontinuitetu, održa- vaju se Dani Beograda, sa zabavnim, ali i ozbiljnim programima. Ovogo- dišnju priredbu obeležiće koncerti klasike, popa i džeza. Posetioci će proći Savskim šetalištem Beograd- ske tvrđave, gde će biti locirana izlož- ba Muzeja grada Beograda: pregršt autentičnih fotografija u vezi sa ju- bilejom predaje ključeva.
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