Agonija na parkingu
Agony in
the Car Park
N akon velikog uspeha Nove religije Dejmija- na Hersta Britiš kansil u Novi Sad dovodi još jednog velikana britanske savremene umet- nosti. Radovi Grejsona Perija (57), jednog od najuticajnijih ljudi u britanskoj kulturi, dobitnika najve- ćih priznanja u domovini, rektora Univerziteta umetno- sti u Londonu, biće izloženi u Muzeju savremene umet- nosti Vojvodine u Novom Sadu od 7. aprila do 20. maja. Izložba Taština malih razlika se sastoji od šest monu- mentalnih tapiserija koje istražuju britansku fascinaciju stilom i klasnim razlikama. Inspirisane ciklusom slika Ži- vot razvratnika Vilijama Hogarta, engleskog slikara iz 18. veka, tapiserije prate život izmišljenog lika Tima Rejkvela – od ranog detinjstva, preko tinejdžerskih godina, pa sve do njegove smrti u automobilskoj nesreći. Tapiserije su bogate sadržajem, detaljima i bojom i prikazuju ekscen- tričnosti i jedinstvenosti života u Velikoj Britaniji – od di- zajna enterijera do britanske kuhinje, političkih protesta i tračeva o životima poznatih ličnosti. Kompozicija sva-
F ollowing the great success of Damien Hirst’s New Re- ligion, the British Council is bringing another great of British contemporary art to Novi Sad. The works of Grayson Perry (57), one of the most influential figures in British culture, winner of the greatest awards in the coun- try and, chancellor of the University of the Arts London, will be exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodi- na in Novi Sad from 7th April to 20th May. The Vanity of Small Differences exhibition consists of six monumental tapestries that explore Brits’fascination with style and class differences. Inspired by the 18th century painter Wil- liam Hogarth’s moral tale, A Rake’s Progress, Perry’s tapestries follow the life of a fictional character called Tim Rakewell, as he develops from infancy through his teenage and middle years, to his untimely death in a bloody car crash. The tapestries, which are rich in both content and colour, depict many of the eccentricities and peculiarities associated with life in the UK, from interior design to British cuisine, po- litical protest and celebrity gossip. The composition of each
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