Ekscentrični Grejson Peri u Novom Sadu / The eccentric Grayson Perry in Novi Sad
U javnosti se često pojavljuje obučen kao žena, kojoj je nadenuo ime Kler
He often appears in public dressed as a woman, who he named Claire
ke od tapiserija donekle podseća na dela rane renesanse. – I moje tapiserije, kao i većina ta- piserija na koje sam nailazio u onim dražesnim salonima, istkane su u Flan- driji. Ali moje tapiserije su, za razliku od svojih stoletnih predaka, dizajnira- ne u fotošopu i munjevitom brzinom istkane na razbojima koje kontroliše kompjuter, a koji tapiseriju veličine četiri sa dva metra naprave za samo pet sati. I dalje je i te kako potrebna kvalifikovana radna snaga, ali sad su to specijalizovani kompjuterski teh- ničari, koji moj crtež pretvore u ogro- mnu digitalnu datoteku koja kontro- liše razboj – kaže Peri. Ovaj Britanac je decenijama ra- dio u relativnoj anonimnosti. Kada je 2003. dobio prestižnu Tarnerovu na- gradu (za najboljeg britanskog vizu- elnog umetnika mlađeg od 50), Peri je već bio u ranim četrdesetim i imao je iza sebe dobre dve decenije umet- ničkog staža. Bio je relativno poznat u umetničkom svetu, ali anoniman van njega. Prvu vazu prodao je za 50 fun- ti, kada je imao 24 godine, živeo u na- puštenoj zgradi (sa muzičarem Bojem Džordžom i dizajnerom šešira Stive- nom Džounsom) i bio šokiran da iko želi da kupi njegov rad. Do danas je naj- skuplja vaza prodata za 120.000 funti. U javnosti se često pojavljuje obu- čen kao žena, kojoj je nadenuo ime Kler. Upravo u takvom izdanju, „sa stajlin- gom nevestine majke“, primio je 2013. od princa Čarlsa Orden reda britan- skog carstva (CBE). On je čovek pun kontradiktornosti: dečak iz radničke porodice koji se popeo u svet srednje klase i osećao da ne pripada ni jednoj ni drugoj. Inhibirani konzervativac ko- ji kaže da bi mu supruga bila šokirana ako bi ga jedan dan videla bez suknje, čovek iz naroda koji gaji neobuzda- nu ambiciju, popularni umetnik koji je okrenuo leđa avangardi...
tapestry also recalls early Renaissance religious paintings... - My tapestries, like most of the tap- estries that I’ve come across in those love- ly lounges, were woven in Flanders. But my tapestries, unlike those that preced- ed them centuries before, were designed in Photoshop and woven lightning-fast on looms controlled by a computer, and which make a tapestry of four-by-two metres in just five hours. A qualified workforce is still very much required, but those are now specialised comput- er technicians that convert my sketch into a huge digital file that controls the loom – says Perry. This celebrated Brit worked in rela- tive anonymity for decades. When he re- ceived the prestigious Turner Prize (for the best British visual artist under the age of 50) in 2003, Perry was already in his early forties and had amassed a good two decades of artistic experience. He was rel- atively well-known within the art world, but anonymous beyond it. He sold his first vase for £50 when he was 24, while squatting in an abandoned building (with musician Boy George and milliner Ste- phen Jones), and was shocked that an- yone wanted to buy his work. His most expensive vase to date sold for £120,000. He often appears in public dressed as a woman, who he has named Claire. It was precisely as this alter-ego, “with the styling of a bride’s mother”, that he was decorated with the Order of the British Empire (CBE) by Prince Charles in 2013. He is a man who is full of contradictions: a boy from a working class family who reached the world of the upper middle class and who feels like he doesn’t be- long to either. An inhibited conservative who says that his wife would be shocked if she saw him go a whole day without wearing a skirt, a man of the people who cultivates unbridled ambition, a popu- lar artist who has turned his back on the avant-garde ...
Peri je dobio prestižnu Tarnerovu nagradu za najboljeg britanskog vizuelnog umetnika mlađeg od 50 He received the prestigious Turner Prize for the best British visual artist under the age of 50
Blagovest o ugovoru sa Virginom (detalj)
The Annunciation of the Virgin Deal (detail)
Poklonjenje boraca u kavezima (detalj)
The Adoration of the Cage Fighters (detail)
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