Pariz ima mnogo zanimljivih scena, među njima je i Odeon teatar Paris has many interesting scenes, among them the Odeon Theatre
i u sedmom arondismanu, koji je ve- oma skup. Pogledajte samo Sen Luj, kako je tamo tek tesno. Ali to je taj francuski šarm. Mnogo volim treći arondisman, tu mešavinu trgovina, stanova, restorana, penzionera i mladih ljudi. Na početku ulice Bobur, koja ide ka desnoj obali Sene, nalazi se moje omiljeno mesto za ispijanje kafe – Café Arts et Metiers . Dugo sam to mesto zvao kancelarijom. Kad imam slobodnog vremena, volim da šetam, družim se sa pri- jateljima na intimnim mestima, vo- lim da odem u pozorište, najčešće u Odeon , u teatar De la Coline . Dok je Ljuba bio živ, često sam odlazio u njegov atelje. Svako ko dolazi u ovaj grad treba- lo bi da pročita nešto o njemu. Kako je nastao Luvr, Versaj… Šta to znači, šta sve to predstavlja... Jedino tako čovek može da spozna šta ga vuče, zanima i onda time treba da se vodi tokom obi- laska. Inače obilaziti turističke atrak- cije tek tako, potpuno je besmisleno. Ako hoćete stvarno da otkrijete Pariz, potrebno vam je najmanje go- dinu dana. To je zbilja ozbiljan grad. Pariz je posebno čaroban na početku leta kada se održava Praznik muzike. U tom periodu svira se po celom gradu, na svakom ćošku je poneki bend
in the third, and fourth, and fifth and sixth, and partly in the seventh arrondissement, which is very expensive... Just look at Saint Louis and how tight and narrow it is there. But that’s that French charm... I really like the 3 rd arrondissement, that blend of shops, flats, restaurants, pension- ers and young people. At the start of Beau- bourg street, which moves towards the right bank of the Seine, is my favourite place to drink coffee - Arts et Metiers. I called that place my office for a long time. When I have free time, I like to walk and hang out with friends in intimate places. I like to go to the theatre, most often the Odeon Theatre. While Ljuba was alive, I often went to his studio. Everyone who’s coming to this city should read something about it. How the Louvre emerged, Versailles ... What it means, what it all represents ... That’s the only way someone can recognise what draws them in, what interests them, and that should then lead them during their tour. Otherwise, tour- ing tourist attractions just for the sake of it is completely pointless. If you really want to discover Paris, you need at least a year. This is a really serious city. Paris is also particularly magical at the beginning of summer, when La Fête de la Musique is held. Music is played throughout the city during that period, with some band on every corner
KO JE MIKI MANOJLOVIĆ? Srpski glumac rođen je 1950. u Beogradu. On je dete po- zorišta. Zora i Ivan Manojlović, njegovi roditelji, dugo su radili u Nišu, ali kasnije su se preselili u Beograd i penzi- ju dočekali u Bošku Buhi . Miki je s prvim televizijskim na- stupom postao omiljen među publikom, a danas je poznat po ulogama u kultnim domaćim filmovima. Od devedese- te snima u Francuskoj, a glumio je i na italijanskom, ne- mačkom... Njegovi filmovi dva puta su osvajali Zlatnu pal- mu u Kanu, a između ostalog,
2007. Evropska filmska akademi- ja nominovala ga je za najboljeg glumca Evrope. Pre pet godina, na IMDB–u, najprestižnijem film- skom sajtu na svetu, na osnovu glasanja publike i profesionala- ca izabran je za najboljeg film- skog glumca bivše Jugoslavije svih vremena.
WHO IS MIKI MANOJLOVIĆ? This Serbian actor, born in Belgrade in 1950, is a child of the theatre. His parents, Zora and Ivan Manojlović, worked in the theatres of the city of Niš for a long time, before moving to Belgrade and ending their careers at Boško Buha Children’s Theatre. Miki became a favourite with the public following his first television appearance, while he is today known for his ro- les in cult domestic films. Since the 1990s he has been filming in France and has acted in Italian, German and other langua- ges. His films have twice won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, whi- le he was nominated, among other things, for the title of Best European Actor by the European Film Academy in 2007. Fi- ve years ago, IMDB, the world’s most prestigious film industry website, selected him – on the basis of voting by the public and industry professionals – as the ex-Yugoslavia’s best movie actor of all time. One of Air Serbia’s planes is also named after this celebrated actor, with which Miki became the fourth Ser- bian citizen to be included in the national airline’s “Living Le- gends of Serbia” programme.
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