Elevate April 2017 | Air Serbia

MUZEJIMA Samo hodajte. Videćete da je sve ono što vas okružuje


Just walk. You’ll see that everything which surrounds you is woven from pure style. You’ll fall in love, that’s for sure. If not with someone else, then certainly with Paris itself...

satkano od čistog stila. Zaljubićete se, sigurno. Ako ni u koga drugog, onda svakako u sam Pariz…

Tekst / Words: Arsen Rudan Fotografije / Photography: Getty, iStock

I ako je lepota subjektivna kate- gorija, udobno smeštena u po- slovičnom oku posmatrača, ma- lo je onih koji će reći da Pariz nije jedan od najlepših gradova sve- ta. Hemingvej ga je prozvao „pokret- nim praznikom“ i zaista – glavni grad Francuske svetkovina je za sva čula. Dugo su ga nazivali i Gradom svetlo- sti, ali se od toga odustalo kada je na- učno utvrđeno da svaki put kad ne- ko pomene ovu frazu u Parizu crkne jedna sijalica. Šalu na stranu, ukoliko imate tu sreću da ste prvi put u Parizu, što se nažalost dešava samo jednom u ži- votu, najbolje je da nemate nikakav plan i cilj. Šetajte širokim bulevarima, pratite neprekinuti niz savršenih fa- sada i pod konac podsečenih staba- la, prelazite mostove koji se nadvi- jaju nad Senom, istražujte prostrane parkove posute karakterističnim be- lim šljunkom. Hodajte. Svako malo, iza ugla, čekaće vas nešto što će vas očarati i oduševiti. To mogu biti svet- ske znamenitosti poput Ajfelove ku- le, Trijumfalne kapije, čudesne bazi- like Sakre ker na Monmartru, ali i neki ušuškan bistro u Mareu, galeri- ja na Plas de vož, knjižara na Rivoli- ju od dva veka u kojoj je verovatno i parket star bar jedan vek. Samo ho- dajte. Videćete da je sve ono što vas okružuje, apsolutno sve, satkano od čistog stila. Zaljubićete se, sigurno. Ako ni u koga drugog, onda svaka- ko u sam Pariz. Ukoliko pak imate sreću da pono- vo dođete, onda već možete da imate

A lthough beauty is subjective, conveniently located in the pro- verbial eye of the beholder, there are few who would say that Paris is not one of the world’s most beautiful cit- ies. Hemingway called it“a moveable feast” and, indeed, the capital of France is a feast for all the senses. It was also long referred to as“the city of light”, but that nickname was dropped when it was proven scientifical- ly that every time someone mentions that phrase a light bulb breaks in Paris. Joking aside, if you have the luck to be in Paris for the first time, which unfortu- nately only happens once in a lifetime, it is best not to have any kind of plan and goal. Stroll the wide boulevards, follow the un- broken series of perfect façades and trees arranged “like clockwork”, cross the bridg- es that hang over the Seine, explore the spacious parks scattered with characteris- tic white gravel. Walk. Every now and then, around the corner, you will be awaited by something that will enchant and delight you. That may be world landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the wonderful Basilica of Montmartre, but also some bis- tro tucked away in Marais, the Gallery at the Place des Vosges, a bookshop in Rue de Ri- voli that is two centuries old, and where the parquet flooring is possibly at least a centu- ry old. Just walk. You’ll see that everything that surrounds you, absolutely everything, has been woven from pure style. You’ll fall in love, that’s for sure; if not with someone else, then certainly with Paris itself. However, if you are lucky enough to return, then you can already have a plan and a goal. The small Parisian expedition of which I was recently a member, comprising

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