Elevate April 2017 | Air Serbia

su najpoznatije ona od luka i avinjon- ska od komorača, slede jedno ili dva glavna jela od mesa uz obavezni sos, a umesto poslastica služe se najbolji francuski sirevi. Izbor nikada nije lak jer ih u Francuskoj ima više od 370 vr- sta. Uprkos vekovnoj vladavini mesa, povrće se izborilo za svoj status, pa je tako nastao ratatui, jelo u kojem se uži- va i kad je toplo, a kažu da je najbolje hladno, i to tek dan pošto je spremlje- no. Najčešće se servira za večeru, ka- da se uobičajeno sprema kiš, hrskava pita s filom od luka i jaja. Za one koji ne mogu bez slatkiša, tu su suflei i ne- nadmašni flan, popularniji kao krem brule. Ovaj fini krem od jaja sa zape- čenim šećerom na površini koji krc- ka pod kašičicom za hedoniste je sa- vršen završetak obeda. U današnjem obilju začina Fran- cuzi se u svojoj kuhinji zadovoljava- ju senfom, koji smatraju univerzal- nim dodatkom. Razvili su prefinjen ukus, a obrok za njih nije samo pu- ko udovoljavanje praznom stomaku već i vreme za druženje i uživanje. Za stolom su hedonisti i estete ko- jima loše servirana hrana može da pokvari ceo obrok. SVET SLAVI UKUSE FRANCUSKE Francuska je prva zemlja čiju su gastronomiju zvaničnici Uneska pro- glasili delom nematerijalne kultur- ne baštine čovečanstva. Oživljavaju- ći davnašnju ideju Ogista Eskofijea, koji je daleke 1912. istog dana u ne- koliko svetskih gradova organizovao Epikurovu večeru „a la France“, Fran- cuzi su pre tri godine pokrenuli svet- sku manifestaciju Ukusi Francuske (Goût de France). Na inicijativu Ale- na Dikasa, jednog od najpoznatijih francuskih kuvara, uz podršku drža- ve jedan dan u martu posvećen je ga- stronomiji. Širom planete restorani, skromni bistroi i ekskluzivni gastro- nomski toponimi gostima za veče- ru serviraju više od hiljadu menija u čast francuske kuhinje. Širom sveta te večeri se u više od hiljadu restorana na planeti sla- vi tradicija ove gastronomske kultu- re, a Francuzi s ponosom objašnjava- ju da je umerenost u svemu ono što im pomaže da budu vitalni i zdravi. Verovatno je to razlog što se već ne- koliko godina pomno proučava be- stseler „Francuskinje se ne goje“.

ley. After the highly regarded soup, the most famous of which are those with onion and fennel, follow one or two main meat dish- es with a mandatory sauce, while in place of desserts the best French cheeses are served. The choice of cheeses is never easy, because there are more than 370 varieties in France. Despite centuries of meat reigning supreme, vegetables have also fought to establish their status, and thus originated ratatouille, a dish which is enjoyed warm but which is said to be best cold, and only a day after it was pre- pared. It is most commonly served for din- ner, when it is traditional to prepare quiche, a crispy pie with an onion and egg filling. For those who can’t go without sweets, there are soufflés and the unsurpassed flan, more pop- ularly known as crème brûlée. This fine egg- based cream, with caramelised sugar on top that crunches under the spoon, is the per- fect end to any hedonist’s meal. In the abundance of spices around today, French cuisine satisfies its needs with mustard, which the French consider a universal condiment. They have devel- oped sophisticated tastes, and for them a meal is not merely about satisfying an empty stomach, but rather also a time for socialising and enjoyment. At the table are hedonists and aesthetes whose entire meal can be ruined if food is served badly.


France is the first country whose gas- tronomy was officially declared by UNESCO as being part of the intangible cultural herit- age of humanity. Reviving the old idea of Au- guste Escoffier, who back in 1912 organised simultaneous Epicurean dinners“a la France” in several world cities, the French launched the global event“Flavours of France”(Goût de France) three years ago. Upon the initi- ative of Alain Ducasse, one of the most fa- mous French chefs, and with the support of the state, one day in March is dedicated to this gastronomy. Across the planet, res- taurants, modest bistros and the most ex- clusive names in gastronomy serve guests dinners from more than a thousand men- us in honour of French cuisine. Around the world on that night more than a thousand restaurants on the planet celebrat the tradition of this gastronomic culture, while the French proudly explaine that moderation in all things is what helps them to remain vital and healthy. That’s probably the reason why one of the must carefully studied bestsellers for several years has been the title “French Women Don’t Get Fat”.

The name of “The Chef of Kings and the King of Chefs”, Georges Auguste Escoffier, is inscribed in golden letters. He is considered one of the founders of French haute cuisine and the man who introduced the “à la Carte“ concept Ime kralja kuvara i kuvara kraljeva Žorža Ogista Eskofijea upisano je zlatnim slovima. Jedan je od osnivača visoke francuske kuhinje i čovek koji je uveo pojam „à la carte”

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