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Najčuvenije palačinke na svetu su krep Suzet, nastale iz ljubavi prema lepoj i slavnoj pariskoj glumici koja je bila tiha čežnja jednog kuvarskog pomoćnika Žaka

The most famous pancakes in the world, Crêpes Suzette, emerged from the love for a beautiful and famous Parisian actress, who was the secret desire of an assistant chef called Jacques

A ko je verovati hroničarima sve- ga i svačega, baš 25. marta 1882. napravljena je prva palačinka. Dakle, prema tom neimenova- nom izvoru, omiljena poslastica ove go- dine slavi 135. rođendan. Kako je palačin- ka ženskog roda, verujemo da bi i sama radije izabrala ovaj jubilej nego da slavi 1.525 godina postojanja. Legenda kaže da je palačinke u današnjem obliku smislio lični kuvar pape Gelacija Prvog, i to tačno 2. januara 492. Pošto su vatikanski zapisi stariji od interneta, skloniji smo da pove- rujemo da je palačinka dama koja je pre- gurala milenijum i po. Naime, tog davnog januara u Vatikan je stiglo toliko hodoča- snika da je nestalo hrane. Ostaje nam da zamišljamo dovitljivog kuvara kako se u panici osvrće po kuhinji. Video je da ima samo jaja, mleka i brašna, pa je sve pome- šao, dodao vode da bude više i od dobije- nog testa počeo da peče tanke listove. Na- zvao ih je placenta, što znači ploča. Njima je, kažu, utolilo glad mnogo ljudi, a oni ko- ji su jeli placente raširili su glas... Nije teš- ko zaključiti da je u usmenom prenošenju placenta postajala palacenta, palacinta... I na kraju kao palačinka krenula u osvajanje sveta. Čak i da nije istinita, priča je lepa. Tekst / Words: Branka Gajić Fotografije / Photography: iStock

I f you believe the chroniclers of anything and everything, the first pancake was made on precisely 25 th March 1882. Thus, according to that unnamed source, this beloved des- sert celebrates its 135th birthday this year. As the pancake is feminine in gender, we believe she would herself choose this anniversary rather than celebrate 1,525 years of existence. That’s be- cause legend has it that the pancake in its pres- ent form was invented by the personal chef of Pope Gelasius I, precisely on the date of 2nd Jan- uary 492AD. As Vatican records predate the in- ternet, we are inclined to believe that the pan- cake is a lady who has endured a millennium and a half… Namely, so many pilgrims arrived in the Vatican during that distant January that they ran out of food. We can only imagine how that creative chef looked around his kitchen in a panic. Seeing that he had only eggs, milk and flour, he mixed everything together, added wa- ter to bulk it up, and began frying thin sheets. He called them placenta, which means flat plate. It is said that they satisfied the hunger of many peo- ple, and those who ate these placenta spread the word... It is not difficult to conclude that oral transmission led to placenta became palacen- ta, palacinta ... And finally, as the pancake, it set out to conquer the world. Even if it is not true, it’s still a beautiful story.

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