Velike priče iz Srbije / Great tales from Serbia
neće promaći uzidani fragmenti ili čak celi rimski kameni spomenici na bedemima i kulama grada. Tako je nikao monumentalni Smederevski grad, utvrđenje u obli- ku nepravilnog trougla sa 25 kula, na površini od skoro 10,5 hektara, danas poznat kao jedna od najve- ćih ravničarskih tvrđava u Evropi. „Grad bijeli“; „lijepo šeher“; „lije- po mjesto“; „pitomo mesto“; „slavno“; „lijepo ravno“... tako je opisivan Sme- derevski grad u narodnim pesma- ma. Čak su i turski hroničari podle- gli utisku: „... kakav grad, po jačini i neosetljivosti reći ćeš da je nebeska kula, to je mesto takvo da ti se čini kao da sunce u svom sjaju sipa biser- na zrna...“ (Dursun-beg, 15/16. vek). Ove godine Smederevo i Srbi- ja sećaju se jednog od najvažnijih događaja u modernoj srpskoj isto- riji – 150 godina od predaje utvrđe- nih gradova na Savi i Dunavu srp- skom knezu Mihailu Obrenoviću, a među njima i bisera srpske sred- njovekovne ahitekture – Smederev- skog grada. Bilo je to 25. aprila 1867, kada je u ime knjaza Mihaila major Ljubomir Uzun Mirković, sin čuve- nog junaka iz Prvog srpskog ustan- ka Uzun Mirka Apostolovića, koji je baš u Smederevu ranjen od Turaka 1805, primio ključeve grada od tur- skog dizdara. Sve do kraja 19. veka Smederev- ski grad bio je najočuvanija srednjo- vekovna tvrđava kod nas. Pretrpela je ozbiljna oštećenja tek u Prvom svet- skom ratu, kada je Smederevo gađa- no artiljerijskim naoružanjem najve- ćeg kalibra s leve obale Dunava, a Nemci su već naredne, 1916. godine, zatrpali vodeni rov i porušili niži zid ispred varoškog bedema. U Drugom svetskom ratu nemačke okupacione vlasti pretvorile su Tvrđavu u depo za skladištenje municije i eksplozi- va. Ubrzo nakon okupacije, 5. juna 1941. godine, desila se stravična ek- splozija u Tvrđavi, koja je nanela ve- liku štetu i Tvrđavi i celom gradu. Poslednji put Tvrđava je stradala to- kom angloameričkog bombardova- nja na Vaskrs 1944. godine. Ukoliko se zaputite ka Smede- revu, Tvrđava mora biti vaša obave- zna stanica. Njeni bedemi simbol su požrtvovanja neimara, graditeljske umešnosti, umetničke lepote i mo- numentalnosti. Danas, ona je mno- go više od vojne utvrde – spomenik kulture koji nastavlja da živi i na- dahnjuje generacije koje dolaze.
not miss the walled fragments or even en- tire Roman stone monuments on the ram- parts and towers of the city. Thus sprang up the monumental Smederevo Fortress, a fortification in the shape of an irregular triangle, with 25 tow- ers, covering an area of almost 10.5 hec- tares, known today as one of the largest lowland fortresses in Europe. “City of White”; “pretty town”; “pretty place”; “cultivated city”; “glorious”; “pret- ty plain”... this is how Smederevo Fortress was described in folk songs. Even the Turk- ish chroniclers had a positive impression: “...what a city, by its strength and insensi- tivity you would say that it is a heavenly tower, this is such a place that it seems to you as though the sun in its glory pours pearl beads ...”(Dursun Bey XV/XVI century). This year sees Smederevo and Ser- bia remember one of the most impor- tant events in modern Serbian history – the 150 th anniversary of the handover of the fortified towns of the Sava and Dan- ube riverbanks to Serbian Prince Mihai- lo Obrenović, including among them the pearl of Serbian medieval architecture that is Smederevo Fortress. It was on 24 th April 1867 when, in the name of Prince Mihai- lo, Major Ljubomir Uzun-Mirković, son of the famous hero of the First Serbian Upris- ing Uzun-Mirko Apostolović, who was ac- tually injured in Smederevo during fight- ing with Ottoman forces in 1805, received the keys to the city from the Turkish diz- dar castle wardens. All the way until the end of the 19 th century, Smederevo Fortress was the best-preserved medieval fortified town in the country. It only suffered serious dam- age for the first time in World War I, when Smederevo was targeted using the high- est calibre artillery weapons from the left bank of the Danube, and by 1916 the Ger- mans had already filled a water trench and demolished the lower wall in front of the town ramparts. During World War II the occupying German authorities turned the fortress into a depot for the storage of am- munition and explosives. Shortly after the start of the Nazi occupation, on 5 th June 1941, a terrible explosion occurred at the fortress, causing huge damage to the for- tress and the entire city. The last time the fortress sustained damaged was during the Anglo-American bombing of Easter 1944. If you pay a visit to Smederevo, the Fortress is simply a must-see. Its walls are a symbol of the sacrifice of the architect, masons’artistry, artistic beauty and mon- umentality. Today it is much more than a military fortification – it is a monument of culture that continues to live and to inspire the generations who come.
Tri romaničke bifore sa kojih se pruža predivan pogled na Dunav These three Romanesque biforate windows offer a magnificent view of the Danube
Pogled na unutrašnjost Malog grada sa Kule broj 6. Desno se vide temelji Velike dvorane za prijeme View of the interior of the Small Town from Tower No. 6. To the right can be seen the foundations of the Great Hall for receptions
THE MYTH OF DAMNED JERINA OR IRENE THE CURSED She decided to build the city on that specific site because it stopped the geese that landed there from migrating any lon- ger. She forced the people to toil, even pregnant women. De- monic forces radiated from her, while the grass burned be- neath her feet. A vicious woman, evil mother, ruthless ruler, adulteress... The people of Smederevo during that time, and even centuries later, attributed all the hardships they faced to her – the Byzantine princess whose gravesite remains un- known to this day. MIT O PROKLETOJ JERINI Odlučila je da se sazida grad baš na tom mestu zato što se guske koje bi tu sletele više nisu selile. Terala je narod na ku- luk, čak i trudnice. Iz nje je zračila takva demonska sila, a pod njom je trava gorela. Opaka žena, zla majka, nemilosrd- na vladarka, preljubnica... Narod je u Smederevu toga doba, a i vekovima kasnije, sve nedaće koje su ga snašle pripisivao upravo njoj – vizantijskoj princezi čiji se grob ni danas ne zna. Na Vodenoj kuli su vidljivi ostaci porušene crkve iz Velikog grada. Bila je teško oštećena 1915. godine nemačkim topovima Visible on the water tower are the remains of the destroyed church of the Great Town. This tower was badly damaged by German cannon fire in 1915.
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