Na njih smo ponosni / We’re proud of them
For the movie “The Jungle Book” my team was responsible for the creation of water, fire and everything that exists in nature, but also in space bio zadužen za stvaranje vode, vatre i svega što postoji u prirodi, ali i u svemiru Moj tim je u filmu „Knjiga o džungli“
– Izrada efekata je dosta kom- pleksan posao i zahteva učešće mno- go ljudi, svako je specijalista za je- dan deo procesa, a samo na ovom filmu radilo je nas 800. Što se tiče mog dela posla, ja sam bio vođa jed- nog tima u kompaniji, a mi smo bili zaduženi za sve što spada u domen oponašanja prirodnih fenomena, a to znači stvaranje vode, vatre i sve- ga što postoji u prirodi, ali i u svemi- ru. U ovom filmu radio sam vodopa- de, bujice i deo na kraju, kada voda potapa šumu. Naravno, i na samom početku prošao sam kroz sve kadro- ve i sekvence koji zahtevaju učešće mog tima ljudi i odlučio na koji na- čin i kako ćemo raditi ceo posao – objašnjava Igor. Ovaj uspešni mladi čovek tvrdi da mu Srbija veoma nedostaje, ali da je posle šest godina počeo pola- ko da se vezuje i za London. – Sve ima prednosti i mane, ali je bitno šta ti u nekom određenom trenutku najviše odgovara. London je pre svega divan grad, koji obilu- je velikom ponudom kulturnih de- šavanja. Tu žive ljudi iz celog sve- ta i svi su sa sobom doneli ponešto svoje, tako da je raznolikost velika i može se videti na svakom koraku. Noćni život je takođe odličan, a naj- više se družim sa prijateljima iz Sr- bije. To su moje kolege iz iste indu- strije, a baš jedan od njih, Vladimir Popović, došao je u isto vreme kad i ja, samo što radimo u različitim fir- mama. On nije jedini Srbin koji radi ovaj posao u Londonu, a svi su veliki stručnjaci, kreativci i umetnici. Dra- go mi je da baš oni potiču iz moje zemlje i da nas predstavljaju u sve- tu – kaže Igor.
even then they somehow all felt that the Oscar for best visual effects would end up with them. - When I heard that our film won an Oscar, I was overjoyed. I know how much effort we invested and how much we gave up so that this would turn out well. I arrived in Belgrade when the Oscars were being held, so I watched the broadcast with my brother. Everyone was happy when they heard that the award belonged to us, but I won’t hide that we had high hopes because this movie is something completely differ- ent from anything we’ve seen to date. This is the first film to bridge the difference be- tween animation and live action to such an extent. Absolutely everything, except the main and only actor, Neel Sethi, was creat- ed from mine and my colleagues’imagina- tion, with the help of advanced computer programs – notes Jovanović. He says that they worked on each frame for a few days, but that a frame could also take a couple of months. On this film in par- ticular, Igor was responsible for presenting water in the best possible way. - Creating effects is quite a complex job and it demands the participation of a lot of people, with everyone being a spe- cialist in one part of the process, and 800 of us worked on this film alone. As for my part of the job, I was the leader of one team in the company, and we were responsible for everything that falls within the domain
of imitating natural phenomena, and that meant making water, fire and everything that exists in nature, but also in space. In this film I did waterfalls, streams and part at the end when water floods the forest. Of course, at the beginning I went through all frames and sequences that required the participation of my team of people and de- cided how and in what way we would do all the work – explains Igor. This successful young man claims that he misses Serbia a lot, but that – after six years – he’s also slowly beginning to feel connected to London too. - Everything has advantages and dis- advantages, but it’s important what suits you the most at any particular juncture. London is primarily a great city, which is enriched by a wide range of cultural events. People from all over the world live there and all they brought something of their own with them, so the diversity is huge and can be seen at every turn. The night- life is also excellent, and I mostly hang out with friends from Serbia. Those are my col- leagues from the same industry and one of them, Vladimir Popović, came at the same time as me, although we work for differ- ent companies. He isn’t the only Serb who does this job in London, but they are all great experts, creative people and artists. I’m glad that they come from my country and that they represent us in the world – says Igor.
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