Elevate April 2017 | Air Serbia

Srpska prestonica je poznata po uzbudljivom noćnom životu i brojnim klubovima čije se žurke pamte. Međutim, sve više je i klubova u kojima, osim zabave, možete doživeti i umetnost. Predstavljamo vam najreprezentativnije The Serbian capital is known for its exciting nightlife, with numerous clubs offering unforgettable parties. However, there are an increasing number of clubs where you can experience art as well as fun. Here we present to you the best examples

Tekst / Words: Ana Kalaba Fotografije / Photography: Petar Marković



T his club began operating in 2009 and breathed new life into the Savamala neighbourhood from the start. Young designers rear- ranged this abandoned building, graffiti artists decorated the bare walls with murals, then underground bands and DJs brought the space to life with noisy gigs and parties. Photographers had a gallery for their work; emerging fashion designers gained their first catwalk; alternative theatre troupes their first stage... Over time, Kulturni Cen- tar Grad (Culture Centre City) built its rep- utation as a place where all good, creative ideas can reach their audience – whether that involves competitions about the most grafiteri ukrasili gole zidove mura- lima, bendovi i andergraund di-dže- jevi oživeli su prostor bučnim svir- kama i žurkama. Fotografi su dobili galeriju za svoje angažovane rado- ve; neafirmisani modni kreatori svo- ju prvu pistu; alternativne pozorišne trupe scenu... KC Grad je vremenom izgradio reputaciju mesta gde sva- ka dobra, kreativna ideja može doći do svoje publike – bilo to takmičenje najneobičnijih zvučnih efekata, pro- P očeo je s radom 2009. i na startu udahnuo nov život Sa- vamali. Mladi dizajneri sre- dili su napuštenu zgradu,

unusual sound effects, screenings of punk films or lectures on the ancient secrets of Native American gardening. However, it is even more interesting as a place where new ideas are born. As the team from the pro- gramming organisation notes, “Grad has become the central spot to bring togeth- er interesting individuals, groups, people with ideas and people with good energy, but it has also become a link between left- ists and businesspeople, freaks and gentle- men, noisemakers and violinists, chefs and diplomats”. This has also led to the creation of some unique“urban”programmes, such as the Urban Library, Deli Monday, Takea- way Fashion etc. jekcija pankerskih filmova ili preda- vanje o drevnim tajnama indijanske umetnosti vrtlarenja. Međutim, još zanimljiviji je kao mesto gde se ra- đaju nove ideje. Kako ekipa iz pro- gramske organizacije ističe: „Grad je ostao centralno mesto za okupljanje zanimljivih pojedinaca, grupa, ljudi sa idejom, ljudi sa dobrom energi- jom, ali je postao i spona između levi- čara i biznismena, frikova i gospode, noizera i violinista, kuvara i diplo- mata“. Tako su nastali i neki speci- fični „gradski“ programi kao što su Gradska knjižnica, Delikatesni pone- deljak, Moda za poneti…

Tekst / Words: Ana Kalaba Fotografije / Photography: Dejan Briza, iStock, Beogradska sinagoga

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