
huddles with our teams, one-on-one meetings with direct reports, weekly leadership meetings, quarterly plan- ning sessions and annual planning sessions. It helped our businesses grow and thrive. But one day, someone said this, and it stung. “Do you put as much effort into your marriage and family as you do your business?” And we realized we hadn’t. Our business was better run than our family!

From then on, we started doing a few things differently. We started doing weekly date nights, the rule was we could not talk about business. We just talk about our personal goals, our mar- riage goals, and family goals. That helps us have a deeper connection as a couple again, not just as busi- ness partners. We also started adding quarterly retreats; we go away for 3-7 days, reflect on what went well last quarter, what didn’t go as well, and change

“Do you put as much effort into your marriage and family as

you do your business?”

and redirect our goals for the future. Once a year, we go on an annual sabbatical. At first this was a week trip, but now it’s a 3–6-week trip. We spend time with each other, fami- ly, and friends. And it helps keep us grounded and remind us why we work so hard in business to begin with. And then we started doing daily huddles. Where we quickly talk to each other about our days, so we know how to best support each other. Our relationship with our spouse is the most important relationship we have. Sometimes, though, it can suffer because we put so much time and effort into our real estate business. You can be successful in business, in marriage, family and life. You don’t have to pick one. But it takes putting in equal work in all those areas to do so. •

Through Wealth Gym, and creating free content for her YouTube channel Ask Arianne, where she shares what she’s learned about money and real estate

investing, she aims to empower one million people achieve time and financial freedom so they can live an abundant life with their families, and have the time and resources to share their unique passion and purpose with the world.

46 | think realty magazine :: january – february 2022

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