ZVONO Zvono Karlovačke gi- mnazije, postavlje- no 1891, oglašavalo se sve do 1979. kada ga je zamenilo novo, električno. Uprkos pro- menama, to zvono se i danas nalazi na sta- rom mestu. Na jednoj strani zvona utisnu- ta je rečenica: „Ovo je zvono Karlovačke srp- ske velike gimnazije“, dok se na drugoj stra- ni nalazi reljef patrona škole i njenog zaštitni- ka Svetog Save.
Recept za proizvodnju bermeta poznat je samo malom broju porodica iz Karlovaca. Pominje se tridesetak vrsta biljaka, koren za gorčinu, cvet za miris i plod za slatkast ukus The recipe for Bermet production is known only to a few families from Karlovci. Mentioned are some thirty types of herbs, a root for bitterness, a flower for aroma and fruit for its refreshing and sweet taste
Najstarija apoteka osnovana 1858. i dalje je na istom mestu The oldest pharmacy was founded in 1858 and remains in the same place to this day
St. Nicholas from the 18 th century, the Low- er and Upper Orthodox churches, the beau- tiful Baroque Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, the building of the Magistrate. Here even the pharmacies aren’t new – one is 151 years old – or the fountains either – the Four lions in the town square were erect- ed in 1799, while the Lower Church has a canvas that’s 140 years old. Perhaps on your way back you’ll en- joy refreshing yourself with a glass of Ber- met, which is said to have been served on the Titanic!? There are legends recounted about it, and although none of them are entirely reliable, we believe that they must all be at least partly true. It is said to have been a favourite drink at the court of Vi- enna, that it was used as a trump card in diplomatic talks, and that first-class Titanic passengers also had a Karlovci Bermet on the wine list before they hit the iceberg. Perhaps one of the most beautiful stories related to this wine is that of Maria There- sa, who tasted it when it was brought to her in Vienna from the Karlovci river port. The Empress was delighted with the drink and, logically, inquired about its origins. She was told that it came from the small region around Karlovci, from where men were often recruited for wars, and she al- legedly immediately released the Karlov- ci men from military service so that they
THE BELL The bell of the Karlov- ci Gymnasium school, erected in 1891, re- sounded until 1979, when it was replaced by a new electric one. De- spite the changes, the original bell remains in its old place to this day. On one side of the bell is an inscription: “This is the bell of the Karlovci Serbian Great Gymnasi- um”, while on the other side is an embossed im- age of the school’s pa- tron saint and protec- tor, Saint Sava.
could work unhindered on the produc- tion of this beautiful nectar.
And while we’re on the subject of Ber- met, you should know that Karlovci is al- so a place for hedonism. Goulash, papri- kash, local river sh, poppy seed strudel, everything and even more is there to feed your body, when you’ve already fortied your soul. And then, if the weather is nice, head to the Maldives! Yes, you read it right. When we say the Maldives, we mean Karlov- ci Island, or Monkey Island, which is a won- derful sandbank island on the Danube right beside this hidden gem at the foot of Fruš- ka Gora mountain...
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