Elevate February 2020 | Air Serbia



Tekst/Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografija/Photography: Zoran Ilić

WHY DO YOU LIKE PLANES? It means a lot that you can go from one place and arrive in another quickly, and comforta- bly. I love take-os and landings, that feeling is wonderful. I like it when I look up at the sky and y through the clouds. WHAT DON’T YOU BOARD A PLANE WITHOUT? Without my passport! Some fear always exists – where’s my passport, where’s my money. I always have with me some handbag in which there are tissues and those little things that I might need. I don’t have some routine when it comes to that. WHICH DESTINATION HAS REMAINED IN YOUR FONDEST MEMORIES? New York. I’ve been twice and will soon go a third time. I’m generally of the opinion that it’s most beautiful in our country, but when I went to New York I then thought, “Oh God, I’d love to live here for at least a year!”The city possesses some energy and I didn’t feel like a tourist. That was impor- tant for me, as I felt like I live in that city and people treated me that way. I guess that’s because it’s a world metropolis. WHY DO YOU LOVE BELGRADE? I love Belgrade because it’s a micro mac- ro city. Everyone knows one another in Bel- grade, and yet it’s diverse. You can easi- ly reach everyone, yet it’s not as though we’re too small. Belgrade is full of con- tents, the place where it’s located is excel- lent – we know how many times others have wanted to take it from us. A pretty city where that neighbourhood atmos-

ZAŠTO VOLITE AVIONE? Mnogo znači to što brzo možeš da sti- gneš sa jednog mesta na drugo, i to udob- no. Volim poletanja i sletanja, divan je taj osećaj. Sviđa mi se kad gledam u nebo i letim kroz oblake. BEZ ČEGA NE ULAZITE U AVION? Bez pasoša! Uvek neki strah postoji, gde je pasoš, gde je novac. Uvek sa sobom imam neku torbicu u kojoj su maramice i takve sitnice koje mogu da zatrebaju. Ne- OSTALA U NAJLEPŠOJ USPOMENI? Njujork. Bila sam dva puta, uskoro ću oti- ći i treći put. Inače sam u fazonu da je kod nas najlepše, ali kada sam otišla u Nju- jork, onda sam pomislila: „E, bože, volela bih ovde da živim bar godinu dana!“ Grad poseduje neku energiju i nisam se oseća- la kao turista. To mi je bilo bitno, osećala sam se kao da živim u tom gradu i ljudi su se tako ponašali prema meni. Valjda zato što je svetska metropola . ZAŠTO VOLITE BEOGRAD? mam neku rutinu što se toga tiče. KOJA VAM JE DESTINACIJA Volim Beograd zato što je mikro-ma- kro grad. U Beogradu se svi znaju, a opet je raznoliko. Lako možeš da do- đeš do svakoga, a opet nije da smo premali. Beograd je pun sadržaja, mesto na kojem se nalazi je odlič- no, znamo koliko puta su hteli da nam ga uzmu. Lep grad u kojem još postoji ta komšijska atmos- fera, ljudi se javljaju jedni drugi- ma na ulici. Ne bih želela da živim ni na jednom drugom mestu.

phere still exists, where people greet each other on the street. I wouldn’t want to live in any other place.

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