T he Oscar awards of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is somehow greater than other award cere- monies on the fashion scene. You might forget some lms, while you will remember some of the gowns forever. That’s because even those who didn’t even watch the lm Roman Holiday saw a picture of Audrey Hepburn in the dress made by famous fashion creator Hubert de Givenchy, right? For men a tuxedo is strictly prescribed, while women have much more freedom, though much more is expected of them: to turn up in their best edition, to wear the dress of a famous creator in the right way,
to stand out from the crowd, to be noticed and dierent. The red carpet of the Oscars is one of the harshest, where “playing it safe” is not appreciat- ed and mistakes are not forgotten. The ceremony is broadcast in 200 coun- tries around the world, and for weeks afterwards lists are compiled of the best, worst, or most expensively dressed divas. As we await the 92 nd edition of the Oscars on 10 th February, we trawled through old pictures and select- ed the eight best dresses of all time. Some have passed the test of time, while for others we’ve yet to see, and they all share common traits of being extremely feminine, attractive and glamorous, but never vulgar.
ELIZABET TEJLOR Njenu haljinu sa punom suknjom u boji slonovače, jar- kožutim gornjim delom i zelenim pojasom sa crvenom svilenom ružom kreirao je čuveni Kristijan Dior. Gla- murozan izgled naglašen je dugačkim svilenim rukavi- cama. Kao i većina Diorovih kreacija, i ova bi mogla da se ponese danas. Izgledala bi kao da je juče kreirana. ELIZABETH TAYLOR Her dress, with a full ivory-coloured skirt, a bright yel- low upper part and a green belt featuring a red silk rose, was created by the famous Christian Dior. The glamorous look is accentuated by long silk gloves. Like most Dior creations, this one could also be worn today. And it would look like it was created yesterday.
GVINET PALTROU Ružičasta haljina koju je dizajnirao Ralf Loren nalazi se na svim listama najlepših haljina na dodelama Oska- ra, a često je poređena i sa haljinom koju je nosila glu- mica Grejs Keli. Povratak ružičaste u modu pripisuje se baš toj haljini. Nakon što je Gvinet Paltrou prošeta- la crvenim tepihom u njoj, taj model počeo je masov- no da se kopira.
GWYNETH PALTROW This pink gown designed by Ralph Lauren is featured on all lists of the most beautiful dresses at the Oscars and is often compared to the dress once worn by actress Grace Kelly. The return of pink to fashion was attributed to this dress in particular. After Gwyneth Paltrow crossed the red carpet in it, this design began being copied en masse.
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