NIKOL KIDMAN Haljina halter kroja vatrenocrvene boje ne zvuči kao najoriginalnije modno rešenje ako je ne nosi personi- fikacija elegancije – Nikol Kidman. U kreaciji Kristofe- ra Balensijage očarala je sve prisutne modelom koji je istakao njenu gracioznu siluetu, naglasio seksepil du- bokim sečenjem na leđima i uneo notu glamura maš- nom, koja joj je istakla lice. NICOLE KIDMAN A re-red strapless dress does not sound like the most original fashion solution, unless it is worn by the per- sonication of elegance that is Nicole Kidman. She en- chanted everyone in this creation of Cristóbal Balencia- ga, with a dress that emphasised a graceful silhouette, accentuated her sex appeal with the deep cut on her back and introduced a note of glamour with a bow that accentuated her face.
KEJT BLANŠET Glamurozna toaleta koja ne potencira provoka- tivan izgled već ženstvenost i eleganciju poput bajkovite kreacije Đorđa Armanija bila je pra- vi izbor za Kejt Blanšet. Haljina posuta trodi- menzionalnim cvetovima u nežnoj boji kao da je izašla iz rajske bašte. Tu je i dubok dekolte i naglašena silueta, a ceo izgled deluje nežno i sofisticirano. Bezvremeno i oskarovski. CATE BLANCHETT A glamorous gown that doesn’t emphasise a pro- vocative look but rather femininity and elegance, like this fairytale creation of Giorgio Armani, was the right choice for Cate Blanchett. The dress is coated with three-dimensional owers in a deli- cate colour as if it emerged from a heavenly gar- den. There is also a deep neckline and accentuat- ed silhouette, while the overall look is gentle and sophisticated. Timeless and Oscar-winning.
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