Nemanja će svirati na gitari koja je napravljena specijalno za njega, a rad je srpskog graditelja Dragana Nešića Nemanja will perform on a guitar made especially for him, which is the work of Serbian instrument maker Dragan Nešić
LUKA ULASKA: NJUJORK / PORT OF ENTRY: NEW YORK SRBIJA U KARNEGIJU SERBIA AT CARNEGIE Jasna Popović na klaviru i Nemanja Bogunović na gitari predstaviće svoju virtuoznost i kreativnost u koncertnoj sali o kojoj sanjaju svi muzičari sveta Jasna Popović on piano and Nemanja Bogunović on guitar will present their virtuosity and creativity in the concert hall that is the dream venue of all the world’s musicians
Jasna će svirati nekoliko kompozicija iz Srbije, a biće to moderan koncert, klasika sa elementima džeza i etna Jasna will play several compositions from Serbia, while this will be a modern concert, with classical and elements of jazz and world music
Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Nikola Tamindžić, Nikola Stojković, Mario Bralić
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