N agrađivana i međunarodno priznata srpska pijanistki- nja Jasna Popović koja već 15 godina živi i radi u Nju- jorku, izvodila je, promovisala i organizovala koncerte za kompozitore i muzičare u nekim od najprestižnijih svetskih prostora. Ovog marta nastupiće u u Karnegi holu, me- stu koje je ostvarenje sna svih muzičara, odakle god da dolaze. Za Elevejt kaže da je tema koncerta Luka ulaska: Njujork i da će predstaviti muzičare koji žive u tom gradu, a koji su se do- selili sa svih strana sveta. – Zanimljiva mi je ideja da predstavim sve te različite ljude, njihove kulture kroz muziku, neke specifičnosti prostora sa ko- jih dolaze, ali kroz kompozicije koje su posvećene Njujorku. To je specifična muzička zahvalnica gradu koji nas je sve prigrlio i od kojeg svi nešto tražimo, ali se retko setimo da kažemo hvala – ističe Jasna, pored koje će na sceni nastupiti mladi muzičari Tamara Jokić kao vokal i Petar Krstajić na basu. Sviraće nekoliko kompozicija iz Srbije, a biće to moderan koncert, klasika sa elementima džeza i etna jer se sviraju dela aktivnih, aktuelnih kompozitora. Ukoliko mu to obaveze dozvo- le, na bini bi mogao da se pojavi i zasvira Bil Guld, basista ču- vene grupe Faith no More . – Svaki muzičar na svetu želi da svira u Karnegi holu. Imala sam priliku ovde da sviram i ranije, i srećna sam što se vraćam. To je važno i za mene kao umetnika, ali i zemlju iz koje dolazim, jer je nastup u najpoznatijoj sali na svetu nešto kao predstavlja- ti svoju državu na Olimpijadi – zaključuje ova uspešna pijanist- kinja, koja je takođe i organizator koncerta. Da stvari tako stoje, ne sumnja ni gitarista Nemanja Bo- gunović, jedan od omiljenih izvođača klasične muzike, koji je talenat usavršavao u Americi, nastupao širom sveta, a uskoro će imati priliku da svoje kompozicije predstavi u Karnegi holu. – Posebno mi je zadovoljstvo da jednom takvom auditoriju- mu sviram autorske kompozicije sa poslednjeg albuma Boguno- vić plays Bogunović , koje sam pisao za gitaru i gudački kvintet. Nastupiću u Velikoj sali sa njujorškim kvintetom, a to je na polju kulture jedna od najvažnijih pozornica. Ta dvorana je sam cen- tar, vrh scene na kojoj može da se nastupi i veoma je bitno da jedna mala zemlja kao što je Srbija tu dobije svoj prostor. Svi tre- ba da se ponosimo i ja zahvaljujem svima koji su prepoznali taj kulturni doprinos – ističe ovaj vrsni gitarista, koji će iskoristiti tu priliku da prikaže svetu i kako zvu- če instrumenti srpskih graditelja.
A ward-winning and internationally ac- claimed Serbian pianist Jasna Popo- vić, who has been living and work- ing in New York for the past 15 years, has performed, promoted and organised con- certs for composers and musicians at some of the world’s most prestigious venues. This March she will perform at Carnegie Hall, a venue that is a dream come true for all musicians, regard- less of their origins. Speaking for Elevate, she says that the theme of the concert is Port of Entry: New York, and that it will present musicians who live in the city and arrived there from all over the world. “It is interesting to me to present all these dierent people and their cultures through mu- sic, some of the specics of the area they come from, but through compositions dedicated to New York. This is a specic musical thank you message to the city that has embraced us all and from which we all seek something, but we rarely remember to say thanks,” points out Jas- na, who will be joined on stage by young mu- sicians Tamara Jokić, as vocalist, and Petar Kr- stajić on bass. They will perform several compositions from Serbia, while this will be a modern con- cert featuring classical with elements of jazz and world music, as they perform the works of ac- tive, current composers. Provided other com- mitments permit, they could be joined in per- forming on stage by Billy Gould, best known as the bassist of famous band Faith no More. “Every musician in the world wants to play at Carnegie Hall. I had an opportunity to play here before, and I’m happy to be coming back. This is important for me, as an artist, but also for the country I come from, because perform- ing in the world’s most famous hall is somehow like representing your country at the Olympics,” concludes this successful pianist, who is also the organiser of the concert. Guitarist Nemanja Bogunović has no doubt that this is the case. He is one of the most belov- ed performers of classical music, who perfected his talent in America and has performed all over the world, and who will soon have an opportu- nity to present his compositions at Carnegie Hall. “It is a special pleasure for me to perform in such an auditorium with auteur composi- tions from my latest album Bogunović plays Bogunović, which I wrote for guitar and string quintet. I will perform in the Great Hall with the New York Quintet, and this is one of the most important stages in the domain of cul- ture. That hall is the very centre, the top stage on which one can perform, and it is very im- portant for a small country like Serbia to get its own place there. We should all be proud and I thank everyone who has recognised this cultural contribution,”notes this excellent gui- tarist, who will also utilise this opportunity to show the world what instruments of Serbian makers sound like.
Koncert je zakazan u Velikoj sali za 3. mart 2020. The concert is scheduled to take place in the Great Hall on 3 rd March 2020
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