Dear passengers, . FEBRUAR FEBRUARY Dragi putnici,
Kada se te tmurne februarske srede Tadija Sondermajer, aero-in- ženjer, pilot i srpski heroj oslobodilačkih ratova, izjutra pojavio na pi- sti beogradskog aerodroma, sigurno mu nije bilo svejedno. Ovo „pista“ treba uzeti s rezervom, pošto je reč bila o preuređenoj livadi na prosto- ru današnjeg Novog Beograda. Bio je 15. februar 1928. godine. Samo dve godine ranije rodila se ideja da se osnuje društvo za vazdušni saobraćaj, a da se sredstva prikupe upisom akcija. Ideja za- nimljiva, ali rizična. Nepoverenje u novotariju kakva je tada bio „jero- plan“ bilo je veliko. Svega 24 godine pre toga obavljen je prvi uspe- šan „avionski“ let. Bio je dug 37 metara i trajao 12 sekundi. Aero-klub je prikupio samo 10 odsto potrebnog novca. Sondermajer tada pokazu- je još jedan talenat – ovog puta za marketing i pi-ar. On kreće na, da- nas bismo rekli, promotivni let od Pariza do tadašnjeg Bombaja, pa do Beograda. Njegov trud je urodio plodom, akcionari su shvatili da „jero- plani“ možda imaju budućnost, rešili da ulože novac i tako su nabavlje- na prva četiri aviona. Pomenute srede Sonderma-
When Tadija Sondermajer, aeronautics engineer, aviator and Serbian hero of the liberation wars, appeared on the runway of Belgrade Airport one gloomy Wednesday in February, he certainly wouldn’t have felt indierent. And the word “runway”should be taken with reservations, given that it was actually a reworked meadow on the territory of today’s New Belgrade. It was 15 th February 1928. It was just two years earlier that the idea of establishing an air transport com- pany, and to raise funds through share subscriptions, had been born. The idea was interesting, but risky. Distrust in the kind of novelty represented by the then“jero- plan”was great.The rst successful“aeroplane”ight had taken place just 24 years earlier. It covered a distance of 37 metres and lasted 12 seconds. The Aero-club raised only 10 per cent of the funds required. Sondermajer then exhibited anoth- er talent - this time for marketing and PR. He launched what we would today re- fer to as a“promotional”ight from Paris to Mumbai (then known as Bombay) and then to Belgrade. His eorts bore fruit, with shareholders realising that the “jero- plans” might have a future and deciding to invest money that enabled the pur- chase of the rst four planes. On that aforementioned Wednesday,
We are commemorating 92 years since our first flight, and since then, of course, the world has changed a lot. It’s enough to scan the pages of Elevate to see just how much
Obeležavamo 92 godine od prvog leta i svet se naravno mnogo promenio. Dovoljno je da prelistamo
jer je posle svega bio verovatno veoma umoran, ali je mogao da odahne – sledio je za njega da- leko lakši deo. On i kopilot Stri- ževski pokrenuli su motore pote- za 29-2, koji je nazvan Beograd , i zajedno sa pet novinara polete- li put Zagreba. Što kažu, ostatak priče je istorija. Više o tom pr-
Sondermajer was probably exhausted af- ter everything, but he could breathe a sigh of relief – the part that was much easi- er for him was to follow. He and co-pilot Striževski red up the engines of the Po- tez 29-2 plane that had been given the name Belgrade, and - together with ve journalists – ew the route to Zagreb. And, as they say, the rest is history. You can read more about that rst ight of Aeroput, the company whose bright tradition is con-
„Elevejt“ da se uverimo koliko
vom letu Aeroputa , kompanije či- ju svetlu tradiciju nastavlja Er Sr- bija , možete pročitati u ovom broju Elevejta .
tinued by Air Serbia, in this issue of Elevate. This February we are commemorating 92 years since that rst ight, and since then, of course, the world has changed a lot. It’s enough to scan the pages of Ele- vate to see just how much. We explain who“digital nomads”are. Men’s high fash- ion is certainly a lot dierent than it was 1928. The colour trending for 2020 is the colour of the sky at dusk. We can also read about how to meditate during a ight. No matter how much the world has changed, some things have remained the same. It was 92 years ago that Sondermajer had a vision of creating something great, new and completely dierent, but he also had the courage and will to real- ise that idea. When you have a good idea and approach it courageously and de- cisively, there’s nothing you cannot achieve. The sky is the limit, and even that isn’t the limit in aviation. Inspired by the vision and deeds of all those who have, over the course of almost a century, woven their work into Aeroput, JAT and Air Serbia, we have ahead of us yet another year of new opportunities.
Ovog februara obeležavamo 92 godine od tog prvog leta i svet se naravno mnogo promenio. Dovoljno je da prelistamo Elevejt da se uverimo koliko. Objašnjavamo ko su „digitalni nomadi“. Muška visoka moda izvesno je dosta drugačija nego 1928. Boja u trendu za 2020. je boja neba u sumrak. Čitamo o tome kako meditirati tokom leta. Koliko god se svet menjao, neke stvari ostaju iste. Sondermajer je pre 92 godine imao viziju o stvaranju nečega velikog, novog i pot- puno drugačijeg, ali i smelost i volju da tu ideju realizuje. Kada imate dobru ideju, nastupate hrabro i odlučno, ne postoji ništa što ne mo- žete da postignete. Nebo je granica, a u avijaciji čak ni ono. Inspirisa- ni vizijom i delom svih onih koji su tokom gotovo jednog veka utkali svoj rad u Aeroput , JAT i Er Srbiju , pred nama je još jedna godina no- vih mogućnosti.
Uživajte u letu i srećan put, Iskreno vaša, Er Srbija
Enjoy your ight and happy travels, Sincerely yours, Air Serbia
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