Elevate February 2020 | Air Serbia

Because it was shot so close to the breakup of The Beatles, that documentary was always primarily a sad moment for me “ Pošto je sniman neposredno pre raspada Bitlsa, taj dokumentarac je uvek za mene bio jedan pre svega tužan momenat


H ad Paul McCartney, one of the frontmen of legendary British group The Beatles, not dreamt of his mother Mary calming him with the words “Let it be”, the history of rock and pop might have been denied that worldwide hit. Tales and speculation long circulated about how the lyrics to this song emerged, with one version insisting that they were written after Paul dreamt of meeting the Holy Virgin, who told him to let go and let it be. The truth was later re- vealed by McCartney himself, with the ex- planation that he’d been dreaming of his own mother. “One night, when I was paranoid and anxious, in the dream I saw my own mother, who’d been dead for more than ten years. She assured me that everything would be ne, just let it be. I felt great, woke up and thought. ‘Okay, so be it. That’s a very posi- tive song,”said McCartney on one occasion. Still, there is no doubt that it awak- ened Christian associations, which was al- so the reason Lennon hated the song so in- tensely that he made sure it was followed on the album by the song about Maggie Mae, a prostitute from Liverpool. Be that as it may, Let It Be has remained forever one of the Beatles’ greatest hits. It has also re- mained, unfortunately, as a symbol of the period when the end began for one of the

Majkl Lindsi Hog našao se i njihov čuveni koncert na krovu studija Epl u Londonu 30. januara 1969. Upisan je kao jedan od najboljih rokenrol mo- menata ikad, a memorisan i kao po- slednji zajednički nastup Bitlsa , koji je policija prekinula posle 42 minuta. Inicijalna ideja za film bila je da se emituje kao TV dokumentarac ko- jim će se najaviti kampanja za njiho- ve koncerte. Nakon poslednje klape kada je reč o postojanju grupe, film je umesto promotivnog filmskog zapi- sa o predstojećim nastupima, ostao zabeleška njihovog finalnog stvara- lačkog perioda. Čini se da se pogled Pola Ma-

kartnija na film promenio nakon 50 godina. „Pošto je sniman neposredno pre raspada Bitlsa , taj dokumentarac je uvek za mene bio jedan pre svega tužan momenat“, priznao je ranije Makartni, da bi se nakon odluke Pi- tera Džeksona da snimi novu verzi- ju predomislio. „Reditelj mi je rekao da će film ipak ispričati priču o prijateljima ko- ji rade zajedno“, rekao je Pol. Tako fanovi postaju razumljivo uzbuđeni vestima o tome da se od 55 sati originalnih i 140 sati audio-sni- maka, uključujući i 42-minutni film benda koji svira na krovu Epla , spre-

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