PROŠETAJMO KROZ ISTORIJU LET’S STROLL THROUGH HISTORY DOBRO DOŠLI U SREMSKE KARLOVCE WELCOME TO SREMSKI KARLOVCI Obujte udobnu obuću i – krećemo! Centar grada nije veliki, ali vam za obilazak svih znamenitosti treba vremena. Idemo stazom Branka Radičevića, pa na bermet s Marijom Terezijom... Put on comfortable shoes and – let’s set o! The town centre is not big, but you’ll need time to tour all the points of interest. We’re following the path of Branko Radičević, then heading for bermet with Maria Theresa...
Tekst/Words: Jelena Isaković Fotografije/Photography: Zoran Lončarević
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