Elevate October 2017 | Air Serbia

Gradski vodič / City Guide



N ikao na reputaciji Kul- turnog centra Grad kao jedinstvene baze al- ternativnih umetnika, Gradstor Design Hub u Pop Luki- noj je relativno nov prostor u ko- jem više od 50 mladih dizajnera i umetnika plasira svoja dela i us- postavlja saradnju kroz različite programe, predavanja, radionice... Gradstor funkcioniše kao showro- om i galerija u kombinaciji s malim barom Irmeli Kokko za predah od razgledanja.

H aving emerged on the rep- utation of Culture Centre Grad as a unique base of alternative artists, the Gradstor Design Hub in Pop Luki- na Street is a relatively new space where more than 50 young design- ers and artists present their works and establish cooperation through various programmes, lectures, work- shops etc. Gradstor functions as a showroom and gallery, in combina- tion with the small Irmeli Kokko Bar, for a break from sightseeing.

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