Generalni direktor EKO Serbia, Vuk Radović
/ General manager EKO Serbia
EKO Serbia is a member of Hellenic Petroleum, the leading energy group in Southeast Europe, which - in addition to Serbia - operates in five other countries of the region: Greece, Cyprus, Montenegro, Bulgaria and FYROM. Thanks to Air Serbia, it is the Group’s only subsidiary to be linked by direct flight to every other. The year 2017 is the year when the group celebrates the 15th birthday of member companies in four countries, summarising what has been achieved to date and setting new future goals for itself, driven by the vision of being the first choice for consumers! The years behind us, despite being full of challenges, prompted us to stand firm in our intention to ensure EKO petrol stations in Serbia are places of pleasant experience. The greatest value is when you become a petrol station recommended by drivers. DRIVE WITH A SMILE We note with pride that we have built a modern network of petrol stations that consumers recognise as places of high standards in services and products, such as Avio diesel – crystal clear euro diesel, purified using exactly the same the filters used by the aviation industry. We also offer consumers a place to check their car for free - Pit stop, rewarding them through a unique loyalty programme - Smile Club, which has over 400,000 members. The goal is for our customers to drive with a smile!
EKO Serbia, članica je grupacije Hellenic Petro- leum, energetskog lidera u jugoistočnoj Evropi, koji osim u Srbiji posluje u još pet zemalja regi- ona, u Grčkoj, na Kipru, u Crnoj Gori, Bugarskoj, BJRM, a zahvaljujući Er Srbiji jedina je kompa- nija Grupe koja je direktnim letovima poveza- na sa svim ostalim. Godina 2017. je godina u kojoj grupacija proslav- lja 15. rođendan članica u četiri zemlje, sumira- jući postignuto i postavljajući pred sebe nove ciljeve, vođena vizijom – biti prvi izbor potroša- ča! Godine iza nas, iako pune izazova, podstakle su nas da budemo postojani u nameri da EKO benzinske stanice u Srbiji učinimo mestom pri-
jatnog iskustva. Najveća vrednost je kada po- stanete pumpa po preporuci vozača. VOZITE SA OSMEHOM Ponosno ističemo da smo izgradili modernu mre- žu pumpi koje potrošači prepoznaju kao me- sto visokih standarda u uslugama i proizvodima poput avio-dizela – kristalno čistog evrodize- la, prečišćenog upravo filterima koji se koriste u avio-industriji. Ujedno potrošačima nudimo mesto za besplatnu proveru automobila – Pit stop, nagrađujući ih kroz jedinstveni program lojalnosti Smile klub, koji broji više od 400.000 članova. Cilj je da naši kupci voze sa osmehom!
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