KOJA TI JE SLEDEĆA DESTINACIJA? Vratila sam se iz Rima krajem avgusta i narednih mese- ci mi nema mrdanja jer TV emisija 150 minuta ne prestaje da se emituje. Nadam se januarskoj avanturi u toplijim krajevi- ma, kao i tome da ću ispuniti davnu želju – obilazak Kolumbi- je i Gvatemale. WHAT WILL BE YOUR NEXT DESTINATION? I returned from Rome in late August and in the com- ing months I won’t be budging, because the TV
show “150 minutes” does not have a break in broadcasting. I hope for a January adven- ture in warmer climes, and that I will re- alise my long-held desire of touring Colombia and Guatemala.
KUDA VOLIŠ DA PUTUJEŠ? Obožavam Centralnu Ameriku. Volim div-
lju prirodu i zemlje koje imaju i more, i okean, i vulkane, i jezera, ali i istoriju. Takve zemlje su, na primer, Meksiko i Kostarika, obožavam ih. WHERE DO YOU LIKE TRAVELLING TO? I adore Central America. I love wild nature and coun- tries that have seas and an ocean and volcanoes
and lakes, but also history. Those kinds of countries include, for example, Mexico and Costa Rica, which I adore.
KOJA MESTA VOLIŠ U BEOGRADU? Zaljubljena sam u Beograd već 37 godina. Volim mnoge njego- ve ćoškove i delove. Naš grad ima raširene ruke i otvoren je za sve koji žele da borave u njemu. Volim stari deo grada, u ko- jem sam odrasla. Deo oko Patrijaršije i Konaka kneginje Ljubi- ce. Sve vence u mom kraju, i Obilićev, i Topličin, i Kosančićev. Imala sam jednu omiljenu klupicu na ušću na kojoj sam kao srednjoškolka volela da „učim“. Barem sam tako mami go- vorila… Zapravo bih stavila vokmen na uši i sate provodila uz muziku, gledajući u Kališ preko puta. Imala sam omiljeni zid, tačnije ćošak od crvene cigle, pored kojeg sam volela da se zaustavim svaki put na svojoj ruti do srednje škole. Pripadao je Generalštabu. Srušen je 1999. godine. Obožavam Maderu . I naša osvetljena pozorišta. I još jedan mali štek pored reke za dane kad asfalt i vreva ne ulivaju optimizam. WHICH PLACES DO YOU LIKE IN BELGRADE? I’ve been in love with Belgrade for 37 years. I love many of its corners and parts. Our city has outstretched arms and is open to all who want to stay here. I love the old part of the city, where I grew up. The part around the Patriarchate and Princess Ljubica’s residence. All the ‘wreaths’ in my area, Obilićev and Topličin and Kosančićev. I had a favourite bench at Ušće (Con- fluence), where I liked to ‘study’ as a secondary school pupil. At least that’s what I told my mum... I would actually turn on my ‘Walkman’ and spend hours with music, looking at Kališ [Kale- megdan Fortress] on the other side. I had a favourite wall, or more precisely a red brick corner I liked to stop beside every time on my route to secondary school. It belonged to the Ar- my HQ. It was demolished in 1999. I adore Madera [restaurant] and our illuminated theatres. And the small hiding places be- side the river, for days when the tarmac and the throng don’t flow with optimism.
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