muzika / music
bali smo zajedno pesmu Sue, or in a season of Crime sa Marijom Šnaj- der. Bilo je uzbudljivo samo biti u sobi sa njim, a ispostavilo se da smo mogli da pričamo čitav dan. Bio je potpuno posvećen toj pro- bi, usisavao je muziku, neverova- tan čovek. Kada ste prvi put čuli „Black- star“, rekli ste da je to bilo ve- oma emotivno iskustvo. Zbog čega? – Nakon što sam naporno ra- dio na muzici i završio snimanje, nisam je čuo mesecima, a onda je konačno stigla završena, sa neve- rovatnim slojevima koji su doda- ti onome što smo uradili. Bio sam oduševljen kako je Dejvid zvučao i kako je bend sve odsvirao. Bilo je neverovatno čuti na kraju svu tu in- terakciju. Deo naše intime našao se na albumu, zato je album toli- ko prijemčiv i privlačan i zato sam bio oprhvan emocijama. Pričajte nam o saksofonu. Kako ste ga izabrali? Šta či- ni taj instrument gotovo ma- gičnim? – Bila je to impulsivna odlu- ka kada sam imao 12 godina. Gle- dajuci unazad, mislim da sam ga izabrao zato što je saksofonista u bendu mog oca kada sam bio dete, zvao se Vesli Brakton, bio baš ha- rizmatičan tip. Hipik u kariranim košuljama koji je svirao lude sola- že i bacao publiku u trans! Verujem da su takvi ljudi i njihova životna iskustva ono što muziku i instru- mente oboji magijom. Ko su ljudi koji su na vas naj- više uticali u muzičkom smi- slu? – Toliko ih je da ne bih mogao sve da ih nabrojim, ali neki od njih su svakako Djuk Elington, Soni Rolins, Džon Koltrejn, Čarli Par- ker, Bela Bartok, Vejn Šorter, Te- lonijus Monk, Bitlsi, Dejvid Bouvi, Gil Evans, Džo Henderson, Fredi Hubard, Elvin Džouns, Herbi Hen- kok, Led Cepelin, Bob Marli i mno- gi drugi. Vi spajate džez i elektronsku muziku. Kakva je to fuzija? – Ja to zovem istraživanjem raskrsnice između improvizacije i elektronske muzike. Na kraju, šta biste poručili be- ogradskoj publici, koja jed- va čeka da vas čuje na sceni? – I ja jedva čekam da dođem i podelim noć sa svima vama.
F ollowing the great success of last year’s instalment of the Belgrade Jazz Festival, which was unani- mously declared the best edition since the event was renewed in 2005, the organisers have decided to offer an even bolder programme that will present the latest artistic tendencies in jazz. The nu- merous performers will include Saxophon- ist Donny McCaslin, one of the most inter- esting contemporary musicians in the jazz scene. His music represents an interesting fusion of jazz and electronic music, and he also collaborates with renowed compos- ers like Dave Douglas and Maria Schnei- der. Then David Bowie appeared in his life, and nothing was ever the same again... You are coming to the Belgrade Jazz Festival. Have you already heard some jazz from Serbia and what do you expect from the Belgrade audi- ence? - I’ve heard some Serbian musicians who are tremendous. My good friend Da- vid Binney has spent time there and played me some recordings that are great. I re- member the audience in Belgrade as be- ing very enthusiastic. In fact, last time I played there with the Dave Douglas quin- tet the audience was just amazing. The en- ergy was bristling in the room and I loved
how intense the audience felt.
Can you tell us which programme you will perform at the Belgrade Jazz Festival? - I’ll be playing music from my latest re- cording“Beyond Now”, as well as new mu- sic I’ve been developing this past year. We’ll also play a piece or two by David Bowie and a couple of my other older selections . You were fortunate enough to work with David Bowie very closely and very fruitfully. What kind of memo- ries of Bowie do you have? What was he like as a man and as a musician? - He was a remarkable man. Kind, gen- erous, and wickedly funny. Able to process copious amounts of literature and music and able to move through different musi- cal styles with his unique perspective and voice. His commitment to realising his mu- sical vision without compromise will in- spire me for the rest of my days. You worked on his last album, Black- star. Please tell us more about this experience? - It was a life changing experience. I couldn’t have asked for a more creative en- vironment to work in or with better peo- ple to work with. David set the tone by encouraging all of us to reach for what- ever we heard musically and his fearless- ness inspired us all.
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