10 razloga zašto treba posetiti / 10 reasons why you need to visit ICELAND ISLAND
Već iz aviona se vidi da slećete na potpuno druga- čije mesto. Neverovatna, zaleđena stena, prošara- na crnim pustinjama lave, usred severnog Atlan- tika, mesto je susreta dve tektonske ploče, gde zemlja svakog časa može da se rascepi i štrcne la- vu. Nasuprot vatri, tu su glečeri, vodopadi, topli izvori. Sva ova čuda na tako malom prostoru obe- ćavaju neverovatnu avanturu dostojnu Žila Verna, čiji je Put u središte Zemlje počeo upravo na jed- nom glečeru na Islandu.
Already from the plane you can see that you are landing in a completely different place. Incredible fro- zen rocks, surrounded by black deserts of lava, in the middle of the North Atlantic, this is a place where two tectonic plates meet, where the planet can split and spit lava at any moment. Opposite the fires there are glaciers, waterfalls and hot springs. All these wonders in such a small place herald an incredible adventure, worthy of Jules Verne, whose “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” began right here, on a glacier in Iceland.
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