Tivat Winter fairy tale
Tivat Zimska bajka
Sve do 3. januara naredne godine u Tivtu će vladati prava zimska bajka. Tako se zove istoimeni program koji se održava na rivi Pine, a u okviru kog će se održati brojni božićni sajmovi, humanitarni bazari, koncerti i prikazati raznovrsni tematski sadržaji za sve uzraste. U novogodišnjim danima turiste i Tivćane zabavljaće Marija Šerifović, Van Gog, Ana Stanić, Vlatko Stefanovski i Kamerni orkestar iz Bitolja. Kao i prethodnih godina, na rivi je otvoreno klizalište, kom se najviše raduju najmlađi. Bejrut Upoznajte grad iz vazduha Libanski glavni grad je jedan od najstarijih na svetu, ima bogatu kulturu, jedinstvene lokalitete i prelepu prirodu. Sada ih možete doživeti na drugačiji način – turističkom turom iz vazduha koja nudi uzbudljivo i zabavno iskustvo. U okviru ture videćete centar grada iz drugog ugla, zaliv Zajtun, čuvene Golubije stene, marinu, fantastičan spoj novog i starog dela grada... Ture se organizuju svakog dana osim ponedeljka i srede. Rezervacije treba napraviti najmanje pet dana ranije.
A genuine winter fairy tale will reign in Tivat until 3 rd January 2020. This is al- so the name of the programme that will unfold on the Pine Embankment waterfront, under the scope of which numerous Christmas fairs, charity ba- zaars, various themed events for all ages and concerts will be held. Dur- ing the days of the New Year holidays, tourists and locals will be entertained by Marija Šerifović, rock band Van Gogh, Vlatko Stefanovski and the Bito- la Chamber Orchestra and Ana Stanić. As in previous years, an ice rink has been opened on the waterfront that thrills the youngest the most.
Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Tivat
Air Serbia flies 7 times a week from Belgrade to Tivat
Beirut Get acquainted with the city from the air
Lebanon’s capital is one of the oldest liv- ing cities in the world and has a rich cul- ture, unique locations and beautiful na- ture. And you can now experience them in a dierent way – through a tour from the air that oers an exciting and fun ex- perience. Within the scope of these tours you will see the city centre from a dier- ent perspective, Zaitunay Bay, the famous Pigeon Rocks, marina, the fantastic fusion of the new and old parts of the city etc. Tours are organised daily, except Mondays and Wednesdays. Reservations should be made at least ve days in advance. Helsinki Are you up for swimming in icy water? Finland is lled with interesting con- trasts, but also customs. It is, thus, well known that Finns like to swim in icy waters during the winter months and claim that it provides a genuine boost to health. Classes are held every Mon- day until the end of March at the Allas Sea Pool to teach breathing for swim- ming in freezing water, which research has shown to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. Instructors claim that the num- ber of tourists interested in this tradi- tional Finnish winter activity is growing year on year.
Er Srbija leti 5 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Bejrut
Air Serbia flies 5 times a week from Belgrade to Beirut
Helsinki Jeste li za kupanje u ledenoj vodi?
Finska je puna zanimljivih kontrasta, baš kao i običaja. Tako je poznato da Finci vole da se kupaju u zimskim mesecima u ledenoj vodi i kažu da je to pravi melem za zdravlje. U morskom bazenu Alas čak sve do kraja marta ponedeljkom se održavaju časovi disanja za plivanje u hladnoj vodi, za koje su istraživanja pokazala da otklanja stres i smanjuje anksioznost. Instruktori tvrde da se iz godine u godinu broj zainteresovanih turista za ovu finsku tradicionalnu zimsku aktivnost povećava.
Er Srbija leti 2 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za Helsinki
Air Serbia flies 2 times a week from Belgrade to Helsinki
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