S he unied art and design, re- mained true to herself and her style, while simultaneously achieving commercial success. Her creations are on display in all impor- tant art galleries and museums worldwide. She stepped into the world of fash- ion in 1981. Her rst collection proved so successful that she soon opened her own shop in the Spanish capital and began par- ticipating in fashion shows in Madrid and Barcelona. The brand bearing her name has ex- panded since 1986 to encompass a wide range of products – from fashion acces- sories, perfumes and furniture, to various gadgets – that are available in exclu- sive design outlets in Madrid, Paris, Milan and New York. Her products are today sold in over 150 coun- tries. And that’s not all, as she’s al- so designed uniforms for various companies, costumes for opera and ballet, and even Christmas lights. She is known for collaborations with other
What do you associate with the term fashion trend? - During one of my most recent vis- its to New York, I had the impression that everyone I saw on the street was going to the gym, as everyone was dressed in clothes for training. Fascinated by this trend, I decided to incorporate it into my latest collection. The point is in adapting to the world around us in all of its fantas- tic potential. You’re known for collaborating with many brands. You’ve designed watches for Swatch, footwear for Camper, house décor details, fur- niture etc. What does collaborat- ing with other brands mean to you? - I love working with other brands, in- dividuals and artists. Dialogue in any form impacts positively on the creative process. Personally, I particularly enjoy the chal- lenge brought by working with someone completely unexpected, the challenge of adapting to a new environment, object, and a new way of thinking. What do you expect from clothing – when you create it, wear it, buy it, sell it, or when see your creation on the street? - I’m happiest when I see my creation on the street, starting an independent life Your favourite colour is fuchsia and your favourite symbol is the heart. What meaning do they have for you? - Cyclamen is a colour that’s full of fan- tasy and energy for me. The heart symbol that I use is imperfect, representing the beauty of specialness and the imperfect world that surrounds us. What does sustainability mean to you? - That’s actually a life-long dream. I’m extremely happy that environmen- tal issues are nally attracting the atten- tion of the public. Every industry needs to rethink its current practises and the direc- tion it has taken in the name of growth – and not just the fashion industry. The issue of sustainability needs to be addressed at a systemic level, with great support from various sides. Finally, we realise that this is a thing that can’t be delayed for long, as it is something on which our future depends. You’ve been to Serbia and are re- turning. How do people look here; do our ladies follow fashion trends? - I was very impressed during my vis- its to Serbia, mainly due to the kindness and optimism of people in your country. What left the strongest impression on you in Serbia? - I will never forget the rich feast ac- companied by folk music, which brings joy to all the senses.
Šta očekujete od odeće? Kad je kreirate, nosite, kupujete, prodajete ili vidite svoju kre- aciju na ulici? – Najsrećnija sam kad vidim svoju kreaciju na ulici kako zapo- činje samostalan život. Omiljena boja vam je fuksi- ja, a simbol srce. Koje zna- čenje imaju za vas? – Za mene je ciklama boja pu- na fantazije i energije. Simbol srca koji koristim je nesavršen, predstav- lja lepotu posebnosti i nesavršenog sveta koji nas okružuje. Šta za vas znači održivost? – To je u stvari životni san. Izu- zetno sam srećna što ekološka pi- tanja konačno privlače pažnju jav- nog mnjenja. Svaka industrija treba da preispita svoju trenutnu prak- su, pravac koji je preduzela u ime rasta – ne samo modna industri- ja. Pitanje održivosti treba da se rešava sistemski, uz veliku podrš- ku sa više strana. Konačno shva- tamo da je to stvar koja se više ne može odlagati, od toga zavisi na- ša budućnost. Bili ste u Srbiji i ponovo joj se vraćate. Kako izgledaju lju- di ovde, da li naše dame pra- te modne trendove? – Bila sam veoma impresio- nirana tokom svojih poseta Srbiji uglavnom zbog ljubaznosti i opti- mizma vaših ljudi. Šta je u Srbiji ostavilo naj- jači utisak na vas? – Nikada neću zaboraviti bo- gatu gozbu uz folklornu muziku, koja raduje sva čula.
brands, which she loves because they allow her to deal only with design. She presented her new collection at Serbia Fashion Week in Novi Sad. She revealed to us what drives her, how she experiences fashion, and why sustainability should be the bottom line in contempo- rary life.
Collections from your multicoloured universe
of creativ- ity always exude op- timism and love. What can you tell us about the new collection that you pre- sented at Serbia Fashion Week? - It’s a compilation of several of my latest commercial collections. The theme running through all pieces is athleisure. Comfortable and contemporary piec- es that help make it easier for you to navigate all the activities of modern life. Some of my characteristic motifs, such as psychedelic prints, imperfect stripes, hearts and fried eggs, all in- troduce dynamics thanks to their colours.
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