London London Er Srbija leti 7 puta nedeljno iz Beograda za London Trajanje leta Aerodrom
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Air Serbia ies seven times a week from Belgrade to London
G rad je proglašen najboljom de- stinacijom na svetu na dode- li godišnjih nagrada Traveller’s Choice Awards , u najvećoj me- ri zahvaljujući braku sklopljenom 2018. „Globalna fascinacija Harijem i Me- gan očigledno ima snažan efekat, jer je London na vrhu svetske liste“, izjavila je Hejli Kolman, portparolka TripAdvisora . Takođe je došlo do značajnog porasta inetersovanja za „kraljevske ture“ – sme- nu garde, Bakingemsku Destinacija broj 1 Prošlogodišnje vezivanje kraljevskih čvorova između princa Harija i Megan Markl pružilo je neophodno pojačanje Londonu
palatu i dvorac Vind- zor. U Londonu istori- ja stoji rame uz rame sa umetnošću, modom, hranom i dobrim britan- skim pivom. Svako ima sopstveni pojam savrše- nog dana: zaljubljenici u kulturu će se zaputiti u galerije Tejt i Modern i Kraljevsku operu. Lju- bitelji dobre garderobe posetiće Oksford ulicu
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ed TripAdvisor spokeswoman Hayley Coleman. There has also been a signicant increase of interest in “royal tours” that include the Chang- ing of the Guard, Buckingham Palace and Wind- sor Castle. London is a city where history stands side by side with art, fashion, food and good Brit- ish beer. Everyone has their own notion of the perfect day: culture lovers will head to the Tate Modern Gallery and the Royal Opera House; lov- ers of good clothing will tour Oxford Street and the length and breadth of its shops; gourmets will delight in the classical taste of London – tra- ditional English tea at Harrods or battered sh that can be bought at any sh & chip shop; mu- sic lovers and book enthusiasts will be delight- ed to visit Abbey Road and the Sherlock Holmes Museum (at 221B Baker Street, of course), be- cause London oers everything for everyone ...
World's No.1 destination
A nd the city has since been proclaimed the best destination in the world accord- ing to TripAdvisor's annual Travellers' Choice Awards, thanks largely to the 2018 marriage. “The global fascination with Har- ry and Meghan obviously has a strong eect, be- cause London is at the top of the world list,” not- Last year's royal tying of the knot between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle provided a much-needed boost to London.
i njene prodavnice uzduž i popreko. Gur- mane će oduševiti klasični ukus Londo- na – tradicionalni engleski čaj u Herodsu ili hrskava riba koju mogu da kupe u bilo kojoj prodavnici pomfrita i pržene ribe. Zaljubljenici u muziku i knjige će sa odu- ševljenjem obići Ebi roud i Muze j Šerlo- ka Holmsa (u Ulici Bejker 221B, narav- no). Jer London ima sve za svakoga...
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