„Padaju, padaju, s neba be- le zvezde...“ Tako ide ona lepa pesma iz mog detinj- stva. Eto malog ukrasa ko- ji bi lako mogao da se nađe na bilo kojoj jelci, baš tu u Temišvaru (Rumunija). They fall, they fall, white stars from the sky. As that beautiful song from my childhood goes. Here’s a small decoration that could easily nd itself on any Christmas tree, right there in Timisoara (Romania).
Ne moraju sve grane da budu zelene. Ova skulptu- ra u Los Anđelesu kao da je deo velike crvene praznič- ne jelke.
Not all branches have to be green. This sculpture from Los Angeles appears as though it’s part of a large red Christ- mas tree.
I opet padaju zvezde, sa jedne u drugu zgradu, baš kroz taj jedan jedini otvo- ren prozor. Zato su padalice često u vezi sa srećom.
And again stars fall, from one building to an- other, precisely through that one open window. That’s why shooting stars are often associat- ed with luck.
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