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Kad se dele novogodišnji pokloni, obično su zavijeni u nešto sjajno i šareno, baš kao ova zgrada u Majamiju, na Floridi.
When holiday gifts are dis- tributed, they’re usual- ly wrapped in something bright and colourful, just like this building in Miami, Florida.
Da li je u pitanju šampita ili zave- jana jelka, tek ova skulptura u Dala- su (Teksas) vešto krije svoje tajne između drugih vi- sokih zgrada. Whether it’s a cream cake or a snow-covered Christmas tree, this sculpture in Dallas (Texas) skil- fully hides its se- crets among other tall buildings.
Ove stepenice ispred kockarnice u Las Vegasu mogle bi da budu jedan od ukrasa na božićnom drvetu.
These steps in front of a Las Vegas casi- no could be a dec- oration on a Christ- mas tree.
I jelke i ukrasi često imaju čist trouglasti oblik, kao ova zgra- da u Denveru (Kolorado). Both Christmas trees and their decorations often have a clear- ly triangular shape, just like this building in Denver (Colorado).
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