NACIONALNI PARK ŠARPLANINA Sharr Mountains National Park
Na Kosovu i Metohiji nalazi se naš najmlađi Nacionalni park Šar-pla- nina. Svi se slažu da je ova planina sama sebi dala ime zbog šarenila pejzaža, kontrasta i živosti boja ko- jima ju je priroda oslikala. Ovaj na- cionalni park s punim pravom nosi obeležje skloništa za divlji svet ko- ji danas ubrzano nestaje, budući da u njemu živi 1.800 biljnih i mnogo životinjskih vrsta. Izuzetno je dra- gocen i kao kolevka srpske duhov- nosti, državnosti i istorije. Na ovom području se nalazi 45 crkava i ma- nastira podignutih u periodu od 12. do 16. veka i drugi spomenici kul- ture od najvećeg nacionalnog zna- čaja. Informacije o bogatstvima Šar-planine pronaći ćete na sajtu Turističke organizacije Srbije.
SHELTER OF WILDERNESS Serbia’s newest national park, that of Sharr Mountains, is located on the territory of Kosovo. Everyone agrees that this mountain named itself, thanks to its colourful landscapes, contrasts and vibrant hues painted for it by nature. This national park is justiably dubbed a shelter for the wild world, which is disappearing rapidly today, given that it boasts a total of 1,800 plant species and many species of animals. It also has great value as a cradle of Serbian spirituality, statehood and history. This area is home to 45 churches and monasteries constructed during the period from the 12 th to 16 th centuries, as well as other cultural monuments of the highest importance nationally. You can nd more information about the treasures of Sharr Mountains via the Tourist Organisation of Serbia’s website
Na ovom području se nalazi 45 crkava i manastira podignutih u periodu od 12. do 16. veka This area is home to 45 churches and monasteries constructed during the period from the 12 th to 16 th centuries
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