make lms that would have been too hard to nance before, and attract brilliant ac- tors to be in them. At the personal level, I hope it hasn’t changed me too much. I still live a very low-key life in Dublin which suits me well. Your latest film, The Little Stranger, is giving us again a human captured in a house where weird things hap- pen, although evil actually comes from this world and not from the other? - Yes, it’s a nice contrast that Room was a lm about a tiny space that felt huge, while The little stranger is a lm about a very large space that feels tiny. I am under the impression that you love to enclose people in a small en- vironment and see what happens. You even locked Frank in a plastic head. What do you want to say, that we are alone and alienated, but that the world is a beautiful place as Brie Larson tells her movie son after all the horrors? - It’s compelling to me to study people who are somehow separated from others and where the challenges to a life lived with any kind of hope and apetite are extreme. I’m not sure why that is, but I keep coming back to these kinds of stories. And while we’re talking about Frank, how was it to work with Michael Fass- bender? I must say that I was sorry that you hid him ;-) - Many people feel like you! It was a pleasure to work with him, becasue he is such a great actor. And he was open to all the madness of the lm – very collab- orative. He brought so much to the lm. You probably know that we really love St. Patrick’s Day, because you were in Serbia before. What are your impressions? Are you looking for- ward to meeting us again, and why? - I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve always had a great time with Serbs when- ever I’ve met them on the festival circuit. I think Serbs are very similar to Irish peo- ple – they love to laugh and talk. Tell us some wonderful things about your beautiful Dublin. If you had to choose a few, what things or plac- es would you class as unmissable in your city? - I love Dublin and can’t seem to leave it for any length of time. I particulary like walking around the city when the sea- sons are changing. I’d recommend visit- ing some of the old pubs in the city cen- tre – some of them haven’t changed much since Joyce set parts of Dubliners and Ul- ysses in them. Or go and watch the deer in Phoenix Park.
– Zanimljivo mi je da proučavam ljude koji su nekako odvojeni od dru- gih i čiji su izazovi da žive sa bilo ka- kvom nadom i voljom zaista ekstre- mni. Nisam siguran zašto je tako, ali stalno se vraćam na takve priče. Kad smo kod Frenka, kako je bilo raditisaMajklomFasbenderom? Moram reći da mi je bilo žao što ste ga sakrili. (smeh) – Mnogi ljudi su mi rekli to isto! (smeh) Bilo je zadovoljstvo raditi s njim jer je veliki glumac. Bio je otvo- ren za moje ludilo, divno smo sarađi- vali i mnogo je doprineo filmu. Verovatno znate da mi baš vo- limo Dan Svetog Patrika, jer ste bili u Srbiji na festivalu na Pali- ću. Kakvi su vam utisci? Radu- jete li se ponovnom susretu sa našom zemljom i zašto? – Zaista se radujem tome. Uvek sam se sjajno družio sa ljudima iz Sr- bije gde god da sam ih sretao, a naro- čito na festivalima. Mislim da su Srbi vrlo slični Ircima – vole da se smeju i razgovaraju. Recite nam neke divne stvari o svom prelepom Dablinu. Kada biste morali da izaberete neko- liko, šta bi bilo ono što ne sme da se propusti? – Volim Dablin, čini mi se da ne mogu dugo da ga ostavim. Posebno volim da se šetam gradom kada se godišnja doba menjaju. Preporučujem vam da posetite neki od starih pabo- va u centru grada jer ima onih koji se nisu mnogo promenili od kada je Džojs u njima pisao Dablince i Ulik- sa . Ili uživajte gledajući jelene u Par- ku Feniks.
SPRINGTIME IN BELGRADE During the nine days of Belgrade’s Irish Festival, the audience can expect the latest and most sig- nicant Irish lm achievements, attractive exhi- bitions, literary evenings, workshops and other attractive cultural events. “It is a pleasure to an- nounce the 7 th Belgrade Irish Festival, which will present vivid Irish and Serbian content in the elds of lm, music, literature and visual arts, culminat- ing in an unmissable celebration of St Patrick’s Day in Belgrade on 17 th March. The festival takes place from 9 th to 17 th March, and the public will have an opportunity to enjoy numerous programmes, in- cluding a seven-day lm segment, with documen- tary lms and animated children’s works, which will be opened by Oscar-nominated Irish director Lenny Abrahamson, followed by an exhibition of early Irish and Serbian spiritual art, and – for the rst time – the festival will leave a lasting trace in Belgrade, in the form of a major street-art installa- tion by Irish artist James Earley,” says festival direc- tor Jas Kaminski. More information about the pro- gram can be found on the website
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