me scan
Počnite sa Vladimirom, istovremeno sanjivim i ti - him, koji nudi razne atrakcije i nekoliko lokacija ko- je je zaštitio Unesko. Ovaj drevni grad je izuzetno značajan u ruskoj istoriji jer je bio srednjovekov - na prestonica zemlje u 12. i 13. veku. Ovde ete na - i značajne građevine preživele iz tog vremena. Dve ruske pravoslavne crkve, manastir i povezane zgra- de označeni su na listi svetske baštine kao beli spo - menici Vladimira. Vladimir Start with Vladimir, a city that’s simultaneously dreamy and tranquil, and which offers a variety of attractions and several UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This ancient city has notable significance in Russian history, having served as the country’s medieval capital during the 12 th and 13 th centuries. Vladimir boasts significant buildings that have survived since the 12 th century. Two of its Russian Orthodox cathedrals, a monastery and associated buildings have been designated among the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Vladimir
Čuvari drevnih vremena
Nakon uživanja u lepotama Moskve krenite na divnu turu koja pokriva šest istorijskih i prelepih gradova poznatog Zlatnog prstena prepunih kulturnog bogatstva. Svi gradovi imaju bogatu istoriju, jedinstvenu atmosfe- ru, zadivljujuć u arhitekturu, remek-dela Pra - voslavne crkve i još mnogo toga. Doživite iz prve ruke dušu i srce drevne Rusije severoi- stočno od prestonice. Ako bolje pogledate kartu, mo i ete da vi - dite da oni na neki način oblikuju krug, pa je verovatno odatle potekla ideja o prste- nu. Zlatni prsten predstavlja vrednost ko- ju ti gradovi imaju za ruski narod i rusku istoriju, a mogu e je da su brojne pozla - ene kupole doprinele atributu. Ovi starin - ski gradovi, koji su imali značajnu ulogu u stvaranju Ruske pravoslavne crkve, čuva - ju se anje na najvažnije događaje u ruskoj istoriji.
Guardians of ancient times
After enjoying all the beauty of Moscow, he- ad out on a wonderful tour that encompasses six historical and beautiful cities of the famous Golden Ring that are filled with a wealth of cul - ture. All these cities have a rich history, unique atmosphere, stunning architecture, Orthodox Church masterpieces and much more. Expe- rience first-hand the soul and heart of ancient Russia to the northeast of the capital. If you take a closer look at the map, you’ll be able to see that these cities form a kind of circ- le, which is probably the root of the idea of the ring. The Golden Ring represents the great va- lue of these cities to the Russian people and Russian history, while it’s possible that their nu- merous gilded domes contributed to the term. These ancient cities, which played a signifi - cant role in the creation of the Russian Ortho- dox Church, preserve the memory of Russian history’s most important events.
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