open some more doors for myse- lf and acquire knowledge from di- fferent areas before narrowly spe- cialising in what I love even more. I’ve always been guided by the fa- ct that knowledge can’t be ta- ken away and is a tool for chan- ge, which is actually the motto of this campaign. I had the unselfi- sh support of my family and friends throughout that entire journey, and that meant a lot to me.” You’ve said that there’s no better job than yours. Can you describe what is so beautiful about it; and is it difficult? “I always loved flying. Ever sin- ce childhood, I watched how my dad operated a plane and fantasi- sed about one day finding myself occupying one of those two com- mand seats. Every job has its pros and cons, but when the pros out- number the cons, then you know that you’re doing a job that you lo- ve. The very feeling of flying, the landscapes that I have an oppor- tunity to see through the cock- pit window and collaborating with wonderful people are just some of the things that make this job beau- tiful. Every day is different, despite us following prescribed procedu- res. One of the bigger challenges of flying can be unsettled weather, because then we need to concen- trate and focus a little more, but, in the end, I can’t say that’s difficult for me. On the contrary, it makes this job dynamic and unusual.” What would you say abo- ut our airline to all those who will have internships at Air Serbia? “Thanks to this company, I do a job that I dreamed of. Thanks to my colleagues and great teamwork, my skills and knowhow grow ea- ch year. And I also contribute to the company in that way. That’s what every intern can expect, but they need to fight for that and not give up on their goals.”
Strategija razvoja obazovanja
EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY The goal of the campaign “With knowledge we change the world” is to familiarise the public with the Strategy for the Development of Education until 2030 and to invite the professional public, but also all other citizens, to contribute to its implementation. The reform is directed towards improving the quality of education and including every child in teaching and learning processes that are outcome- orientated, as well as harmonising education with the interests of school pupils and the needs of the labour market.
Cilj kampanje Znanjem menjamo sve(t) je da javnosti približi strategi- ju razvoja obrazovanja do 2030. go- dine i pozove stručnu javnost, kao i sve građane i građanke, da doprinesu njenoj realizaciji. Reforma je usmere- na na povećanje kvaliteta obrazova- nja i uključivanje svakog deteta u pro- ces nastave i učenja koji su usmereni ka ishodima, kao i usklađivanje obra- zovanja u skladu sa interesovanjima učenika i potrebama tržišta rada.
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