Elevate November 2021 | Air Serbia


SVETI NIKOLA (19. decembar) Obično se kaže da Nikoljdan polovi- na Srba slavi, a druga polovina ide na sla- vu, tako da je ovaj dan skoro pa nacional- ni praznik. Ovaj slavni svetitelj rođen je u Likiji, u gradu Patari, oko 270. Vođen nebeskim glasom, širio je po narodu ve- ru, pravdu i milosrđe. Molitvama je more krotio i brodare od bura spasavao, kaže predanje, pa se smatra zaštitnikom mo- replovaca i svih putnika, ali i dece, uče- nih ljudi, trgovaca. Sveti Nikola pada u vreme velikog božićnog posta, pa verni- ci pripremaju isključivo ribu i drugu po- snu hranu. VEROVANJA: Na Nikoljdan nerot- kinje treba de se mole Svetom Nikoli, a zabranjeno je obavljanje ženskih ručnih radova. Postoji i verovanje da na Svetog Nikolu ne treba nikoga podsećati na dug. Budući da je Sveti Nikola poznat i kao za- štitnik dece, od davnina je postojao obi- čaj da se na dan kada se ovaj svetac slavi, daruju deca orasima, jabukama i slatkiši- ma. Tokom noći, dok deca spavaju, Sve- ti Nikola bi im ostavio darove u cipele ili pokraj prozora. Deca bi naročito za taj dan očistila svoje cipele i stavila ih bli- zu kreveta kako bi se ujutru prvo njima obradovala. SVETI JOVAN KRSTITELJ (20. januar) Dan po Bogojavljenju posvećen je sve- titelju i proroku koji je krstio Isusa Hrista na reci Jordan i prethodno najavio njegov dolazak. Sveti Jovan je od mladosti bio posvećen veri i uzor je poštenja i pravdo- ljublja. VEROVANJA: Na svetog Jovana vernici, po mogućstvu, u ruke ne uzima- ju nož, a deci se ne daje ništa crveno. Ne jede se i ne pije ništa što je crveno, jer ta boja simbolizuje nevino prolivenu sve- titeljevu krv. Narodni običaji kažu da na ovaj dan žene nikako ne treba da diraju pletivo, makaze niti igle, ali je zato ide- alan dan za polazak na put jer ćete ima- ti zaštitu ovog sveca.

that the Archangel wanders the world during this time dressed as a beggar, in order to be- rate infidels and help the needy, so poor peo- ple mustn’t be driven away from one’s doorstep because the poor person at your door might be the Archangel Michael himself.

SAINT NICHOLAS (19 th December)

It is commonly said that half of all Serbs celebrate St. Nicholas and the other half at- tend the Slava celebration, so this day is virtu- ally a national holiday. This famous saint was born in the city of Patara, in the region of Ly- cia, around 270 AD. Led by a heavenly voice, he spread faith, justice and mercy among the people. Legend has it that he calmed the sea with prayers and saved mariners from storms, which is why he is considered the patron saint of sailors and all travellers, but also children, academics and merchants. The Slava of Saint Nicholas is marked during the period of the great Christmas Lent, so believers exclusively prepare fish and other Lenten foods. BELIEFS: infertile women should pray to St. Nicholas on this day, while women are forbidden from working with their hands. It is also believed that nobody should be reminded of a debt. Giv- en that Saint Nicholas is also known as the pa- tron saint of children, it has long been custom- ary to gift children nuts, apples and sweets on the day that this Slava is celebrated. During the night, while children are sleeping, Saint Nicho- las would leave them gifts in their shoes or be- side their windows. Children would clean their shoes specially for that day and place them close to their beds, in order to be able to first rejoice in them the following morning. SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST (20 th January) The day following the Epiphany is dedi- cated to the saint and prophet who baptised Jesus Christ on the River Jordan after having previously announced his arrival. Saint John was dedicated to faith from childhood and rep- resents a role model of honesty and righteous- ness. BELIEFS: believers shouldn’t hold a knife in their hands on St. John’s Day, if they can avoid it, while children shouldn’t be given anything that’s red in colour. Nothing red should be eat- en or drunk either, because the colour symbol- ises the shedding of the innocent saint’s blood. According to folk customs, women should nev- er touch knitting needles, scissors or other nee- dles on this day, but it is actually the ideal day to head out on a journey, because you will en- joy the protection of this saint.

Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Arhiva / Archive

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