Elevate February 2021 | Air Serbia


NIKOLA JOSIMOVIĆ kopilot Tri pitanja za...

Three questions for...

Destinacija koja me je zasad najviše očarala je definitivno Pariz The destination that captivated me the most to date is definitely Paris


Kako ste doživeli prvi let u ulozi kopilota i koja sećanja vas vezuju za njega? – Svakako je na prvom mestu bilo uzbuđenje, za- jedno sa neopisivom količinom sreće. To je nešto što sam priželjkivao od malih nogu i za šta sam se spre- mao godinama. Bila je, naravno, prisutna i trema. Ka- ko u avijaciji sve mora da bude tačno i precizno, tako sam ja i tada znao da moram da se postaram da sve bude savršeno. Imao sam i dosta samopouz- danja jer sam imao sjajne instruktore, ko-

How was the experience of your first flight in the role of co-pilot and what memories do you conne- ct to it? - In first place was certainly excitement, together wi- th an indescribable amount of happiness. That’s somet- hing that I’d desired since childhood and spent years pre- paring for. There was also nervousness, of course. Given that everything in aviation must be accurate and precise, I knew at the time that I had to ensure everything

was perfect. I also had plenty of self-confi- dence, because I’d had great instructors who spent months patiently preparing me for all kinds of situations that co-

ji su me mesecima strpljivo sprema- li za sve vrste situacija koje mogu da se dese. Naučili su me kako da predvidim i ispravno reagujem na sve njih.

uld arise. They taught me how to anticipate and respond properly to all of them. What does the job of a First Officer entail? - He must check all docu-

Šta je posao kopilota? – Pre leta mora da pro-

veri svu dokumentaciju,ko- ja obuhvata status vazduho- plova, meteorološke uslove i aktuelna obaveštenja na ae-

mentation prior to a flight’s de- parture, which encompasses the status of the aircraft, me- teorological conditions and re- levant information at the airports of departure and destination, but also at the airports along the ro- ute. Checks and controls to ensure on-board systems are working proper- ly, such as equipment for communicati- on, navigation, safety and all other systems that must be available during all stages of a flight. During the flight, depending on the division of duties in the cockpit and in agreement with one’s colleague, the first of- ficer either flies the plane or assists the captain. You know most cities from the air, but which destinati- on captivated you the most from the ground? - The destination that captivated me the most to da- te is definitely Paris. Something I still haven’t had a chance to do, but I certainly will, is to attend Roland-Garros Stadi- um during the Open tournament. Of course, at the end of each visit I return home, to my Serbia. Despite being full of impressions from my travels, I can notice that our country, with all its beauty and charm, doesn’t lack anything at all compared to the most popular European destinations.

rodromu poletanja, desti- naciji, ali i aerodromima duž rute. Proverava i kontroliše is- pravnost i rad sistema na avio- nu kao što su oprema za komu- nikaciju, navigaciju, bezbednost i sve ostale sisteme, koji moraju bi- ti dostupni u svim fazama leta. Tokom leta, u zavisnosti od podele rada u kokpi- tu i dogovora sa kolegom, prvi oficir upravlja avionom ili asistira kapetanu. Većinu gradova znate s neba, ali koja destinaci- ja vas je najviše očarala sa zemlje? – Destinacija koja me je zasad najviše očarala je definitivno Pariz. Nešto što još nisam imao priliku da uradim, a sigurno hoću, jeste odlazak na stadion Ro- lan Garos u vreme turnira. Svakako, na kraju svake po- sete se vratim kući, u svoju Srbiju. Iako pun utisaka sa putovanja, mogu da primetim da naša zemlja, sa svim svojim lepotama i čarima, uopšte ne zaostaje za naj- popularnijim evropskim destinacijama.

Mogu da primetim da naša zemlja uopšte ne zaostaje za najpopularnijim evropskim destinacijama / I can notice that our country doesn’t lack anything at all compared to the most popular European destinations

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