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DRUŠTVENE MREŽE / SOCIAL MEDIA DRUŽIMO SE BEZ DISTANCE NA DRUŠTVENIM MREŽAMA! SOCIALISING WITHOUT DISTANCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Putujte bezbedno, osećajte se sigurno na svakom letu i koristite #AirSerbia kada putujete sa nama. Dobro došli! / Stay safe, keep travelling and use #AirSerbia when flying with us! Welcome aboard!
#AIRSERBIA Ponesite malo čarolije
kuda god da krenete! Da možete da otputujete bilo kuda sada, gde biste otišli? Spark up some magic wherever you go! If you could be anywhere right now, where would that be?
Razlika je, između ostalog, i ta što se pakujemo drugačije. Tokom putovanja ne zaboravite da ponesete maske, sredstvo za dezinfekciju ruku i pratite smernice nadležnih zdravstvenih organa. Saznajte više na We are #StillTravelling! The difference is, among other, that we are packing differently. When travelling, do not forget to bring masks, hand sanitizer and follow the guidelines set by the relevant health authorities. Learn more on
#CREWLIFE Za pojedince put do posla vodi putem snova! Naša posada se uvek raduje novom letu! Da li možete da pogodite na koje destinacije ide ovaj tip aviona? / The road to work leads through dreams for some! Our crew is always looking forward to the next flight! Can you guess what destinations this type of aircraft flies to?
#FANTASTICPHOTO Aerodromska pista je naša zimska zemlja čarolije. #FANtasticPhoto - Spotter.asli / The airport runway is our winter wonderland. #FANtasticPhoto - Spotter.asli
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