Elevate February 2021 | Air Serbia



Beli vrhovi čekaju da budu osvojeni S vrha planine se bolje vidi koliko je sve ono što je ispod beznačajno. Naše pobede i naše tuge više nisu toliko važne. Ono što smo postigli ili izgubili leži tamo dole. Sa visine planine vidite koliko je svet prostran i koliko su horizonti široki… Tako piše Paolo Koeljo, a mi vas pozivamo da ga poslušate i ove zime se popnete do Durmitora, Jahorine ili Triglava. Er Srbija leti brzo i udobno, sve što vam treba su topla odeća i avanturistički duh!

White peaks wait to be conquered

From the top of the mountain it is better to see how insignificant everything that is below is. Our victories and our sorrows are no longer so important. What we have achieved or lost lies there below. From the height of the mountain, you see how vast the world is and how wide the horizons are… So wrote Paolo Coelho, and we invite you to heed his words and climb Durmitor, Jahorina or Triglav this winter. Air Serbia flies swiftly and comfortably, all you need are warm clothes and an adventurous spirit!

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