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Welcome message
Dragi putnici, Februar 2021. godine
February 2021
Dear passengers,
NADAMO SE DA STE U 2021. godinu ušli sa novim ciljevima. Ciljevi su važni jer kreiraju posebnu pokretačku energiju koja nas motiviše da idemo napred. Naš glavni cilj nepromenjen je još od osnivanja kompanije – pružanje usluge vrhunskog kvaliteta uz kreiranje jedinstvenog i sveobuhvatnog iskustva putovanja. Kako bismo u tome bili još bolji, odlučili smo da se dodatno fokusiramo na digitalizaciju i unapređenje naše usluge u onlajn sferi. Pandemija je u značajnoj meri promenila svakodnevne navike. Uticala je da se više fokusiramo na digitalne platforme jer predstavljaju beskontaktne i bezbedne opcije. U prilog tome govore i naši podaci o značajnom rastu onlajn prodaje. U periodu od maja do kraja decembra prošle godine gotovo polovina prodatih avio-karata kupljena je direktnim kanalima Er Srbije , u čemu su glavni udeo imali naša mobilna aplikacija i unapređen sajt. Zbog toga nastavljamo da radimo na konstantnom razvoju novih mogućnosti i poboljšanju korisničkog iskustva putem integrisanih kanala i personalizovane ponude. Ponosni smo na početak saradnje sa dve vodeće platforme u industriji putovanja, i Rentalcars. com, zahvaljujući kojoj sada možete da organizujete celokupno putovanje putem našeg sajta – od rezervacije leta, preko rezervacije smeštaja do rentiranja vozila. Dok idemo u korak sa promenama i radimo na novim projektima, trudimo se da istovremeno čuvamo i negujemo tradiciju. Kada se nalazite na osmom mestu liste najstarijih avio-kompanija na svetu koje i dalje lete, ni na trenutak ne zaboravljate zahvalnost i poštovanje prema slavnim prethodnicima koji su vam utrli put. U februaru obeležavamo značajan jubilej, 93 godine od prvog leta prve nacionalne avio- kompanije Aeroput , čiji smo ponosni naslednici. Ogromna ljubav prema nebeskim prostranstvima i snažna vizija koja je prevazilazila sve tadašnje okvire naveli su pilota i aero-inženjera Tadiju Sondermajera da realizuje let na relaciji Beograd– Zagreb. Bio je to prvi let na ovim prostorima koji je otvorio mogućnost za sve naredne letove – pa i let na kojem upravo čitate ove redove. Sve velike i značajne stvari kreirali su ljudi koji su verovali u svoju viziju i bili u stanju da vide dalje od onoga što je u tom trenutku postojalo – čelične ptice koje krstare nebom prevozeći ljude ili tehnološke uređaje koji umrežavaju celu planetu. I zato, dok uživamo u svim blagodatima savremene civilizacije, ne zaboravimo da odamo počast pionirima koji su nam to omogućili. Uživajte u letu i srećan put, ISKRENO VAŠA, ER SRBIJA
WE HOPE THAT YOU ENTERED 2021 with new goals. Goals are important, because they create a special driving energy that mo- tivates us to go forward. Our main goal has remained unchanged since the founding of the company - providing peak quality ser- vice while creating a unique and comprehensive travel experien- ce. In order to become even better at that, we have decided to further focus on digitisation and improving our services in the di- gital field. The pandemic has significantly changed our everyday habits. It led to us focusing more on digital platforms, as they represent a contactless and secure option. This is evidenced by our data showing significant growth in online sales. In the period from May to the end of December last year, almost half of all airfares we- re purchased through Air Serbia‘s direct channels, with our mobi- le application and improved website accounting for the majority of sales. That‘s why we continue to work on constantly developing new possibilities and improving the user experience through inte- grated channels and a personalised offer. We are proud that we have begun cooperating with two lea- ding platforms in the travel industry, and Rentalcars. com, thanks to which you can now organise your entire trip throu- gh our website - from reserving flights to booking accommodati- on and renting a vehicle. As we keep up with changes and work on new projects, we are also trying to protect and cultivate tradition at the same time. When you are ranked in eighth place on the list of the world‘s ol- dest airlines that are still operating, you don‘t forget – even for a moment – to have gratitude and respect for the glorious prede- cessors who paved the way for you. We are celebrating a signifi- cant anniversary in February: 93 years since the first flight of the original national airline, Aeroput, whose proud successors we are. A great love for the expanse of the sky, coupled with a strong visi- on that surpassed all the limits of the time, led pilot and aeronauti- cal engineer Tadija Sondermajer to carry out the Belgrade-Zagreb flight. It was the first flight over this territory that opened the door for all subsequent flights – including the flight on which you‘re rea- ding these words. All great and important things were created by people who believed in their vision and were able to see further than what existed at that moment - steel birds cruising the sky while tran- sporting people, or technological devices connecting the who- le planet. And that‘s why, as we enjoy the benefits of modern ci- vilisation, we mustn‘t forget to honour the pioneers who allowed us to do so. Enjoy the flight and have a good trip, SINCERELY YOURS, AIR SERBIA
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