Air Serbia has partnered up with two brands from the world’s leading provider of online travel, Booking Holdings, with the goal of creating additional benefits and services for passengers
THIS NEW ALLIANCE AND INTEGRATED SERVICE OFFER ON THE AIR SERBIA WEBSITE will enable tra- vellers to arrange their accommodation via Booking. com, providing them with access to over 28 million glo- bal accommodation listings and car rental from Rental-, with pick-up options from over 60,000 loca- tions worldwide. Thanks to the establishing of this partnership, trave- llers are able to organise their entire trip on the airserbia. com website - from booking a flight, through arranging accommodation, to renting a vehicle. “We are pleased to have established partnerships with two of the world’s leading travel brands, Booking. com and, thus joining some of the big- gest European and global airlines that are already par- tnered with them. I‘m convinced that this cooperation will further strengthen our position and, particularly im- portantly for us, enable greater flexibility and efficien- cy for our passengers when planning their trips,” said Ji- ri Marek, Air Serbia General Manager Commercial and Strategy. Additional passenger services are available via the banners on the homepage of Air Serbia’s website and in the ‘Other Additional Services’ section within the ‘Anci- llary Services’ page. Travellers purchasing an airline tic- ket on will also be able to access these service options on the confirmation page or via the ‘My Reservation’ section. “We know that the travel sector is facing some im- mense challenges at the moment, but when people are able to travel again en masse we want to make sure it’s as easy and seamless as it possibly can be. We’re lo- oking forward to this collaboration with Air Serbia, as it will provide the unrivalled choice and value that we’re known for at and to a new audience of travellers, and in turn empower them to bo- ok more elements of their trip all in one place, whether that’s a great city apartment for a future weekend ge- taway or a larger vehicle for a summer road trip with the family,” said Xaveer Fluitman, Director of Partnerships at
Kako bi se obeležio početak saradnje, putnici Er Srbije koji putem sajta airserbia. com rezervišu smeštaj na dobijaju popust od 20 odsto za boravak do 31. marta To celebrate the new partnership, Air Serbia passengers will receive a 20% discount on accommodation reservations made on for overnight stays until 31 st March
Dodatne usluge za putnike dostupne su preko ba- nera na početnoj strani sajta kompanije Er Srbija kao i u sekciji Ostale dodatne usluge na stranici Dodatne uslu- ge. Putnici koji kupe kartu putem sajta ta- kođe dobijaju pristup ovim servisnim opcijama na strani- ci za potvrđivanje ili preko sekcije Moja rezervacija. Znamo da se sektor putničkog transporta suočava sa velikim izazovima u ovom trenutku, ali kada ljudi po- novo budu mogli masovno da putuju, želimo da se po- staramo da to bude koliko god je moguće jednostavno i bez teškoća. Unapred se radujemo saradnji sa Er Sr- bijom, koja će novim putnicima pružiti jedinstven izbor i vrednost po kojima smo mi na platformama Booking. com i poznati. Ova saradnja će putnici- ma pritom omogućiti da rezervišu više elemenata svog putovanja, bilo da je to odličan apartman u gradu za neki vikend-odmor u budućnosti ili veće vozilo za letnje pro- putovanje sa porodicom, rekao je Ksaver Flutman, direk- tor za partnerstva u kompaniji
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 53
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