Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
Vest o našem prvom letu sa ženskom posadom izazvala je senzaciju u Srbiji. Ne samo da je priču prenelo 80 dnevnih novina, TV stanica, agencija i vebsajtova već je i postala viralna na društvenim mrežama. Za manje od 24 sata naša Fejsbuk objava dobila je više od 30.000 lajkova i stigla do više od 1,8 miliona ljudi na Tviteru, Fejsbuku, LinkedInu i Instagramu sensation in Serbia. Not only was the story picked up by close to 80 daily papers, TV stations, news agencies and websites, but it went viral on social media. In less than 24 hours our Facebook post had amassed more than 30,000 likes and reached more than 1.8 million people across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram News of our first all-female operated fight has caused a
TESLA OVOG LETA STIŽE U PERT I SIDNEJ Tesla arrives in Perth and Sydney this summer
esla Expo , izložba na kojoj će biti izložena postav- ka iz beogradskog Muzeja Nikola Tesla , ovog le-
T he Tesla Expo, an exhibition that will present items from Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla Museum, arrives in Sydney and Perth this summer. Thanks to the efforts of Air Serbia’s region- al director for Asia and the Pacific, Stevan Šipka, this exhibition will be seen by a large section of the Australian public. It will first appear in Perth, from 1 st to 16 th July, then in Sydney from 26 th July to 6 th August. The exhibition tour was launched by the Tesla Forum from Perth, and, according to the vice president and one of the founders of the Association, Branislav Grbović, this will be the third time such an event has taken place in Aus- tralia. The transport of museum items from Serbia to Australia was provided via the regular codeshare flight of Air Serbia and Eti- had Airways, which are also the sponsors of the event. The Tesla Forum was founded in Perth in early 2004 as a non-profit asso- ciation, with the aim of promoting science, education and inno- vation, which it does by promoting the contribution of Nikola Tesla to modern humanity. ta stiže u Sidnej i Pert. Zahvaljujući angažovanju Stevana Šipke, regionalnog direktora Er Srbije za Aziju i Pacifik, izložbu će videti široka australijska javnost. Prvo u Per- tu u skupštini grada, od 1. do 16. jula, a potom u Sidneju (pod nazivom The Unlimited Mind Exhibition) na Uni- verzitetu Novi Južni Vels, od 26. jula do 6. avgusta. Izlož- bu je pokrenuo Tesla Forum iz Perta s kojim je Er Srbi- ja uspostavila partnerstvo. Prevoz postavke od Srbije do Australije obezbeđuju na svojim redovnim kod-šer leto- vima Er Srbija i Etihad ervejz . Tesla Forum osnovan je početkom 2004. u Pertu kao ne- profitabilno udruženje, sa ciljem da promoviše nauku, obrazovanje i inovacije. Osim toga, lokalni srpski teatar Grupa imaće četiri nastupa popularnog komada Niko- la Tesla Power Play u Naučnom teatru UNSW (27–28. ju- la i 3–4.avgusta).
ir Serbia made history last month when its first all-female flight and cabin crew took to the skies. The special flight, JU314, departed Belgrade for Paris at 5.05pm, with Captain Vesna Aleksić and First Officer Mirjana Stojilković at the controls. Looking after guests on the flight was a team of four female flight attendants including Cabin Senior Mirjana Popović and Cabin Crew Silvija Madić, Elena Ljubojević and Tanja Stanković. –This is the first flight to be operated with an entirely female crew in the 90 year history of the Serbian flag carrier. We con- gratulate all the crew for being part of this incredible moment and hope it inspires more Serbian women to pursue a career in aviation- said Dane Kondić, Chief Executive Officer of Air Serbia. Air Serbia is a keen proponent of equal opportunity and at present nearly 49% of the total workforce employed across Air Ser- bia, Air Serbia Catering and Air Serbia Ground Services is female. A
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