Er Srbija u fokusu / Air Serbia close up
KOPILOT Mirjana Stojilković First Officer
stanite vezani na sedištu sve dok je ukljičen znak za ve- zivanje pojasa. Obično su to situacije kad se avion kre-
emain buckled in your seat as long as the seatbelt sign is turned on. Those are usually situations when the aircraft is taxiing on the ground, moving from its parking position to
će po zemlji, od parking-pozicije do poletanja, kao i od sle- tanja do finalnog zaustavljanja aviona, za vreme poletanja i sletanja do visine od 3.050 metara. Nekad se desi da kapetan odluči da znak za vezivanje pojasa ostane duže uključen ili na visini krstarenja uključi u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova i ličnih procena. Razlog za nemiran let najčešće su turbulencije, koje na- staju kada dođe do promene vazdušnih strujanja, zbog pro- mene temperature, promene terena, promene pritiska, pravca i jačine vetra, ulaska u oblake ili zbog mlaznog strujanja ne- kog drugog aviona. U zavisnosti od jačine turbulencije, avion se protrese i može doći do podizanja i spuštanja, kao da se vo- zite liftom. Jake turbulencije mogu čak i da vas podignu iz se- dišta ukoliko niste vezani. Za vreme kretanja aviona na zemlji uvek može doći do iznenadnog kočenja, kao u automobilu, s tim što se kod avio- na zaustavlja znatno veća masa. Kada avion od 70 tona naglo zakoči, sve što unutra nije vezano „poleteće“ napred, čak i pri malim brzinama. U svakom slučaju, znak za vezivanje se uključuje radi bez- bednijeg prevoza putnika i u slučaju nepoštovanja tog pravila ugrožavate sopstvenu bezbednost i bezbednost drugih putni- ka, kao i članova posade. Zato poštujte obavezno znak za ve- zivanje pojasa i ostanite vezani do samog kraja. Čak i kada je znak za vezivanje pojasa isključen, vežite pojas da vam bude komforan i nemojte ga previše zatezati. Na taj način bićete si- gurni i kada dođe do nepredviđene turbulencije.
take-off, and from initial landing until the aircraft comes to a final halt, and during the take-off and landing period, up to a height of 3,050 metres. A captain sometimes decides to leave the seatbelt sign on longer, or turns it on when at cruising altitude, depending on weather conditions and personal assessments. The reason for a bumpy flight is most commonly turbu- lence, which occurs when there is a change in air flow, as a result of changes in temperature, changes in terrain, shifts in wind pres- sure, direction and strength, entering clouds or due to the jet flow of other aircraft. Depending on the strength of turbulence, a plane can shake and experience limited falls and rises, as though you are riding in a lift. Strong turbulence can even lift you out of your seat if you‘re not strapped in. During the taxiing of aircraft on the ground, sudden heavy braking, like in a car, can always occur, though with aircraft this is about stopping a much greater mass. When a 70-tonne aeroplane brakes suddenly, everything that is inside and is not tied down “takes off”, even at low speeds. Whatever the case, the seatbelt sign is turned on to ensure the safer transport of passengers, and non-compliance with this rule means endangering one’s personal safety and the safety of other passengers, as well as crew members. As such, passengers must re- spect the seatbelt sign and remain strapped in until the end. Even when the seat belt sign is off, fasten your seatbelt so that you are comfortable, and don’t tighten the belt too much. In this way you will also be safe when unanticipated turbulence occurs.
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