RUKE SPASA Možda će upravo ove ruke ita- lijanskog umetnika Lorenca Kvina spasti Veneciju od potopa. I ne samo Veneciju, već čitav svet. One izviru iz vode pridržavajući hotel Ća Sagre- do, pridržavajući čovečanstvo da za- uvek ne potone u more nemilosrd- nog uništenja živog sveta koji nas okružuje. „Ruke imaju moć i snagu – moć da vole, da mrze, da stvore, da uni- šte“, kaže umetnik nazivajući svoje ruke Podrška , jasno pokazujući ko- joj moći daje prednost. Njegovo delo deo je ovogodišnje izložbe Bijenale u Veneciji i stajaće na tom mestu sve do 26. novembra . Iskoristite novi let Er Srbije Beo- grad-Venecija i osetite snagu ovih moćnih ruku u pravoj veličini. Po- lećemo 1. juna!
Perhaps these hands of the Italian art- ist Lorenzo Quinn will actually save Venice from flooding. And not only Venice, but the entire world. They protrude from the wa- ter and hold the hotel Ca’ Sagredo, hold- ing humanity forever to ensure it doesn’t sink into the sea of ruthless destruction of the living world that surrounds us. “Hands have power and strength – the power to love, to hate, to create, to destroy,” says this artist, calling his hands Support, clearly showing which power he favours. His work is part of this year’s Venice Biennale exhibition and will remain on dis- play until 26 th November. Take advantage of Air Serbia’s new Bel- grade-Venice flight and feel the power of these mighty hands in their true size. We take off on 1 st June!
Fotografija / Photography
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