U periodu između dva svetska rata u Beogradu su se okupili muziča- ri sa željom da obogate i unapre- de umetnički život prestonice po ugledu na velike evropske metropole. Tako je orkestar pod vođstvom čuvenog Stevana Hristića 13. juna 1923. godine održao prvi kon- cert pod zvaničnim imenom Beogradska fi- lharmonija. Sa istom namerom da Beogradu pokloni najlepše note klasične muzike, Filharmonija će ovog 25. juna, 94 godine od prvog održa- nog koncerta, ponovo ispisati stranice svoje slavne istorije. Pod upravom novog šefa diri- genta Gabrijela Felca pokloniće publici naj- veći koncert klasične muzike u istoriji Srbije na otvorenom. Na mestu gde će se u buduć- nosti nalaziti nova dvorana Filharmonije, na lokaciji u blizini Palate Srbija , kod ušća Sa- ve u Dunav, Beogradsku filharmoniju će mo- ći da čuje više desetina hiljada ljudi. Uprkos ogromnom produkcijskom po- duhvatu, koji podrazumeva pripremu tere- na, izgradnju bine, obezbeđivanje najkvali- tetnijeg ozvučenja i osvetljenja, satisfakcija za sve učesnike svakako je u činjenici da će Filharmonija ovim koncertom omogućiti ve- likom broju građana da je čuje. To je značaj- no pre svega zbog ograničenog broja mesta na Kolarcu , matičnoj koncertnoj dvorani or- kestra, ali i zbog činjenice da su karte za na-
Ovo će biti drugi nastup orkestra sa novim šefom
M usicians gathered in Belgrade in the period between the two world wars with a desire to enrich and enhance the artistic life of the capital city, with a view to the great metropolises of Europe. Thus the orchestra, under the leadership of the renowned Stevan Hristić, held its first concert on 13 th June 1923, under the official name of the Belgrade Phil- harmonic. With the same intention of gifting Belgrade the most beautiful notes of classical music, the Phil- harmonic will this 25 th June, 94 years after the first concert, again inscribe an entry in the pages of its glorious history. Under the direction of new Chief Conductor Gabriel Feltz, they will gift the public the biggest open-air concert of classical music in the history of Serbia, at the site where the future new hall of the Philharmonic will be located, near the Palace of Serbia, on the confluence of the rivers Sa- va and Danube, where tens of thousands of people will be able to listen to the Belgrade Philharmonic. Despite the huge production endeavour, which implies preparing the site, constructing the stage, providing the highest quality sound and lighting and satisfying all participants, the fact is that this concert will enable a huge number of citizens to hear the Belgrade Philharmonic. This is significant primarily because of the limited number of seats at Kolarac Endowment Hall - the home concert hall of this orchestra, but also due to the fact that tick- ets for the upcoming 2017/18 season, which starts
dirigentom Gabrijelom Felcom This
concert will be the orchestra’s second performance under the guidance of new Chief Conductor Gabriel Feltz
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