Elevate June 2017 | Air Serbia





Kao kad s nekim spavate u krevetu i kako god da se okrenete, on se perfektno uklapa s vama. Svako ko dolazi u Njujork zaljubiće se u njega. Nije za džabe ono srce Miltona Glasera u

It’s like when you share a bed with someone, and no matter which way you turn, they fit beside you perfectly. Everyone who comes to New York will fall in love with it. That heart

in Milton Glaser’s isn’t for nothing

O vaj grad je zapravo odabrao mene – svojom muzikom, fil- movima, umetnošću. Imao sam sreću da već prve nede- lje dobijem priliku da radim naslovnu stranu magazina Time. Druge nedelje već sam radio New York Times i tako dalje… Ovde je talenat sve i na njemu se može zaraditi mnogo novca. Jednostav- no, američki sistem nije glup. Da li ste vi ikada svesno odlučili da kupite sku- pu haljinu netalentovanog modnog di- zajnera? Ili da kupite skupu sliku neta- lentovanog slikara? U Ameriku sam došao sa dva kofera i 1.500 dolara u džepu, poneo sam i ogro- man portfolio, a nisam ni znao šta je to, nisam govorio engleski… Onda sam po- stao art direktor, pa se ispostavilo da kad si na toj poziciji, ti govoriš drugima, a ne slušaš šta oni tebi kažu, pa opet nisam naučio engleski. Moj dizajn i moji crte- ži veoma su precizni. Želeo bih da je ta- kav i moj jezik, u ovom slučaju engleski. Nažalost, delimično zbog moje disleksije, delimično zbog nemanja vremena da ga akademski naučim, moj engleski nije ni blizu onog što bih voleo da bude. Među- tim, već sam se delimično pomirio s tim. Lepota Njujorka je u tome što se gomila stvari dešava u isto vreme na raznim ni- voima. Smeta mi kad kažu da je Njujork

Photography: Goran Srdanov, iStock

T his city actually chose me – its music, films and art. I was for- tunate in my first week there to get a chance to work on the cover page of Time magazine. In the sec- ond week I was already working on The New York Times, and so on... Here, talent is everything and you can use it to make a lot of money. Quite simply, the Ameri- can system is not stupid. Have you ever consciously decided to buy an expensive dress of a talentless fashion designer; or to purchase an expensive painting by a talentless painter? I arrived in America with two suit- cases and fifteen hundred dollars in my pocket; I brought along a huge portfolio, but I didn’t even know what that was, I didn’t speak English... Then I became an art director, and it turns out that when you’re in that position you have to talk to others, and not listen to what they say to you, so again I didn’t learn Eng- lish. My designs, my drawings are very precise. I wanted that to also be the case with my language, in this case English. Unfortunately, partly due to my dyslexia and partly due to a lack of time to learn it academically, my English is not even close to what I would like it to be. How- ever, I have already partly reconciled my- self with that fact.

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