Moj Njujork, Mirko Ilić / My New York, Mirko Ilić
KO JE MIRKO ILIĆ Grafički dizajner koji je uspeo da od svog imena napra- vi svetski brend. Rođen je u Bijeljini, završio je Školu pri- menjenih umetnosti u Zagrebu, a od 1986. živi u Njujorku. Na Menhetnu je otvorio i svoj studio za grafički dizajn, 3D grafiku i animaciju. Bio je art direktor magazina Time , po- sle toga radio je za New York Times , gde je imao uslove poput zvezde. Autor je omota za ploče nekih od najvećih jugoslovenskih bendova, dobitnik je brojnih prestižnih na- grada, njujorški Muzej savremene umetnosti MoMa otku- pio je 38 njegovih radova i uvrstio ih u svoju stalnu zbirku. Nedavno je bio u Beogradu kao specijalni gost Devetog Mikser festivala . Član je žirija za regionalni konkurs Kuća za sve naše ljude za dizajn fasade budućeg Mikser hausa u Sarajevu, a predstaviće i izložbu Tolerancija , koja sabira radove najuticajnijih grafičkih dizajnera sadašnjice.
WHO IS MIRKO ILIĆ A graphic designer who succeeded in making his name into a glob- al brand, he was born in Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb, and has lived in New York since 1986. He opened his own Manhattan studio for graphic design, 3D graphics and animation. He was the art director of Time magazine, then worked for the New York Times, where he was given star treat- ment. He was the author of album and record covers for some of the greatest Yugoslav bands and won numerous prestigious awards, while the New York Museum of Modern Art, MoMa, bought 38 of his works and included them in its permanent collection. He was recently in Bel- grade as a special guest of the 9 th Mikser Festival. A member of the ju- ry for the regional competition House for all our people, for the future design of the façade of Mikser House in Sarajevo, he will also present the exhibition Tolerance, which brings together works of the most in- fluential contemporary graphic designers.
The beauty of New York is in the fact that lots of things are going on at the same time on different levels. It bothers me when they say that New York is a fancy city. De- spite probably the most millionaires in the world living here, New York is still a very down-to-earth city, adequately dirty and diversified. And, as Lou Reed said,“In New York all stars are on the ground”. It’s like an ideal partner, like when you share a bed with someone, and no matter which way you turn, they fit be- side you perfectly. Here people come with a suitcase full of unfulfilled desires and dreams. In order to achieve them, in one way or another, they need start-up capital. And because of that desire to fulfill their dreams, they are able to generate the energy that allows them to work day and night. I personally don’t think it’s difficult for people to work a lot, if they’re doing something they like or if they’re well rewarded for their work. New York is exciting in every sense, with lots of things going on at the same time on different levels. Certainly the most interesting play in the last year was Ham- ilton, and at the MoMA museum, where there’s always something new happening. I think that in the second part of this year there’ll even be an exhibition of architec- ture from the former Yugoslavia. It’s cer- tainly worth visiting the Whitney Muse- um and the High Line. New York is special and because that there is no typical dish, and that it is home to probably the best restaurants of all coun- tries and cultures. Not only can you eat in restaurants some of the best cuisine, Ital- ian, French, Japanese, Indonesian, but it is often better than in the countries of origin. Everyone who comes to New York should be aware that they will fall in love with it. That heart in Milton Gla- ser’s isn’t for nothing .
Mirko slobodno vreme obično provodi u muzeju MoMA, ali voli i duge šetnje Hajlajnom Mirko’s free time is usually spent in the museum MoMA, but he also likes long walks along the High Line
šminkerski grad. Uprkos tome što ov- de verovatno živi najviše milionera na svetu, Njujork je i dalje vrlo prizeman grad, adekvatno prljav i raznolik. I kao što Lu Rid reče: „In New York all stars are on the ground“. On je kao idealan partner, kao kad s nekim spavate u krevetu i kako god da se okrenete, on se perfektno ukla- pa s vama. Ovde ljudi dolaze s kofe- rima punim neostvarenih želja i sno- va. Da bi ih ostvarili, na ovaj ili onaj način, treba im početni kapital. Zbog te želje za ostvarenjem snova stvara se i energija, koja im omogućava da rade dan i noć. Lično mislim da ljudi- ma nije teško da rade mnogo, ako ra- de ono što vole ili ako su dobro nagra- đeni za svoj rad. Njujork je uzbudljiv u svakom smi- slu, gomila stvari se dešava u isto vre-
me. Svakako najzanimljivija predstava u poslednjih godinu dana je Hamilton , a od muzeja MoMA , u kom se uvek ne- što novo dešava. Mislim da će u dru- gom delu ove godine čak i biti izložba arhitekture iz bivše Jugoslavije. Sva- kako vredi posetiti Whitney Museum i High Line . Njujork je poseban i po tome što nema tipično jelo, što nudi verovat- no najbolje restorane svih zemalja i kultura. Ne samo da možete u resto- ranima da jedete i neke od najboljih kuhinja, italijanskih, francuskih, ja- panskih, indonežanskih, već su vr- lo često i bolje nego u zemljama iz kojih potiču. Svako ko dolazi u Njujork treba- lo bi da zna da će se zaljubiti u njega. Nije za džabe ono srce Miltona Gla- sera u .
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