Elevate April 2021 | Air Serbia


JOVAN PROKOPIJEVIĆ kapetan Tri pitanja za...

JOVAN PROKOPIJEVIĆ captain Three questions for...

Jovanu su i otac i deda bili piloti Jovan's father and grandfather were both pilots

Koji vam je let ostao u posebnom sećanju i zašto? – Ima ih više (zato što sam više puta imao čast da budem na letu Fudbalskog kluba Partizan). Ako baš moram da izdvojim jedan, to je let Molde–Beograd 29.

Which flight has a special place in your memo- ries and why? - There are several (because I've had the honour of being on flights of football club Partizan on multiple oc- casions). If I really must sin- gle out one, that was the flight from Molde to Belgrade, on

8. 2019. Znam tačan datum jer se tada Partizan plasirao u Ligu Evrope. Do sada vam je već ja- sno da navijam za Partizan? Ljudi malo zaziru od ATR-a, da li je podjednako bezbedan kao i veliki avioni? – Istina je! Nije podjedna- ko bezbedan kao veći avio- ni. Bezbedniji je! Zašto? Jer se pokazao kao pouzdan avion za regionalni saobraćaj, dugo je u floti naše kompanije, od- lično ga poznaju i mehaniča- ri koji ga održavaju i mi koji le- timo njime. Najbezbedniji! Pa ne bih se ja vozio tim avionom! Zašto ste odlučili da svoj radni vek provedete baš na nebu? Pre mnogo godina (ima već blizu 20) , kao najmlađem polazniku tada JAT-ove pilotske akademije u Vršcu, jedna no- vinska redakcija postavila mi je isto pitanje i tada sam odgovo- rio da piloti mnogo putuju, vide i obiđu svašta, uvek su okruže- ni lepim ženama, dobro zara- đuju i voze dobre automobile. Bilo bi glupo da menjam svoje mišljenje, pa ću ostati pri tom odgovoru. Šalu na stranu, ve- rovatno ima nešto u tome što su mi se otac i deda takođe bavili ovim poslom. Omiljen let mi je bio Molde- Beograd 29. 8. 2019. jer se tada Partizan plasirao u Ligu Evrope / My favourite flight was from Molde to Belgrade, on 29 th August 2019, because it was then that Partizan secured its place in the Europa League

29 th August 2019 (I remember the exact date because it was then that Partizan secured its place in the Europa League). By now it's already clear to you that I'm a Partizan fan? People are slightly he- sitant when it comes to ATR aircraft. Are they just as safe as the large planes? - It's true! It is not equ- ally as safe as larger planes. It's safer! Why? Because it has proven itself to be a reliable aircraft for regional transport, has been in the fleet of our company for a long time, and it is very well known by both the mechanics who mainta- in it and those of us who fly it. It is the safest! Otherwise I wo- uldn't fly it! What made you decide to spend your working life in the skies specifically? Many years ago (almost 20), as the youngest student of the then JAT pilot academy in Vršac, one editorial depar- tment asked me the same question, and I then answe- red by saying that pilots tra- vel a lot, see and visit all sorts of places, that they are always surrounded by beautiful wo- men, that they make a go- od salary and drive good cars. It would be silly to change my mind, so I will stick to that an- swer. Joking aside, there's pro- bably something in the fact that my father and grandfat- her also did this job.

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