Elevate April 2021 | Air Serbia



K ompanija Dunav osiguranje već dece- nijama je tržišni lider, a postignući- ma u izazovnoj 2020. godini potvrdi- la je svoj primat koji se meri ne samo ostvarenim rezultatima već i uslu- gama prilagođenim potrebama klijenata u svetlu pandemije korona virusa, a još više bezrezervnom finansijskom podrškom društvenoj zajednici i zdravstvenom sistemu zemlje. O poslovnim do- metima te kompanije i formuli njenog uspeha, koja se timskim radom stalno usavršava, govori Ivana Soković, predsednica Izvršnog odbora. ‒ Rezultati ostvareni u prošloj godini rekor- dni su u periodu od čak tri decenije – bruto pre- mija iznosi 252,6 miliona evra i za 4,45 odsto ve- ća je nego u 2019. godini. Investiciona aktiva, kao pokazatelj finansijske snage Kompanije, zabele- žila je rast od 11,03 odsto i njen najlikvidniji deo premašuje 286 miliona evra. Tehničke rezerve po- većane su za 9,62 odsto i iznose 284 miliona evra i čvrsta su garancija ispunjenja budućih obaveza prema osiguranicima. Neto dobitak veći je za 6,55 odsto i iznosi 27,2 miliona evra – ističe Sokoviće- va i dodaje da je pandemija bila podsticaj za rad na inoviranju usluga. ‒ U putničkom zdravstvenom osiguranju pr- vi smo omogućili ugovaranje dopunskog pokri- ća za kovid-19 sa ubedljivo najvećom osigura- nom sumom na našem tržištu. U fokusu nam je i dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje, kao i dru- ge vrste osiguranja. Tržište sada zahteva fleksi- bilna rešenja u kratkom roku, koja uspešno pro- nalazimo. Posle 2020. ništa više neće biti isto ni u jednoj oblasti, pa ni u osiguranju, smatra Sokovićeva. ‒ Planovi za ubrzanu digitalizaciju aktivira- ni su gotovo preko noći, a prednost u tržišnoj uta- kmici stekle su kompanije čiji je IT sektor bio najspremniji da odgovori novom izazovu – ra- du zaposlenih sa udaljenih lokacija, onlajn proda- ji osiguravajućih usluga, prijavi i likvidaciji šteta. Pred osiguravačima je zadatak da prošire ponudu onlajn usluga, ali i da zaštite sopstvene resurse i klijente od sve češćih sajber rizika. U pogledu digitalizacije Dunav ne zaostaje za svetom, ali ne odustaje ni od tradicionalnih nači- na prodaje osiguranja i prijave štete. Više od 600 prodajnih mesta Kompanije širom Srbije otvore- no je za uvek dobrodošle klijente – naglašava So- kovićeva i najavljuje veoma ambiciozne planove za 2021. godinu. ‒ Osim očuvanja liderske pozicije i tržišnog učešća od najmanje 27 odsto, planiramo rast pre- mije neživotnih osiguranja od četiri, a životnih 12 procenata. U trci za rezultatima i profitom, Kom- panija neće zanemariti podršku projektima druš- tvene odgovornosti i svoju ulogu u društvenoj za- jednici, čiji je neodvojivi deo.

D unav osiguranje is a company that has spent decades as the market leader, and its achieve- ments during the challenging year of 2020 only served to confirm its prime position, which isn’t only measured on the basis of re- sults achieved, but also on the basis of services adapted to meet the needs of clients in light of the COVID-19 pan- demic and, to an even greater extent, on the basis of the unrestricted financial support it has provided to the com- munity and the country’s healthcare system. Discussing this company’s operational achievements and its formula for success, which is constantly being upgraded through teamwork, is Dunav osiguranje Executive Board Chair- woman Ivana Soković. “The results achieved last year represent a record over a period of as long as three decades ‒ with gross premiums amounting to 252.6 million euros, which is 4.45% higher than in 2019. Investment assets, as an indicator of the Company’s financial strength, record- ed growth of 11.03%, while its most liquid part exceeds 286 million euros. The company’s technical reserves in- creased by 9.62% and amount to 284 million euros, rep- resenting a solid guarantee of the fulfilment of future obligations towards the insured. Net profit is up 6.55% and totals 27.2 million euros,” stresses Soković, before adding that the pandemic provided an incentive to work on the innovating of services. “In travel health insurance we were the first to en- able contracting for additional coverage for COVID-19, with the largest insured sum on our market by far. We are focusing on voluntary health insurance, but also other types of insurance. The market requires flexible short-term solutions, which we are finding successfully.” Soković considers that nothing will be the same in any area after 2020, including insurance. “Plans for accelerated digitalisation were activated almost overnight, and an advantage was gained in the market competition by companies with IT sectors that were best prepared to respond to the new challenge – the work of employees from remote locations, online sales of insurance services and online reporting and liq- uidation of damages sustained. Insurers are tasked with expanding their offer of online services, but also pro- tecting their own resources and clients from increasing- ly common cyber risks.” When it comes to digitalisation, Dunav isn’t lag- ging behind the rest of the world, but nor is it aban- doning traditional ways of selling insurance and regis- tering claims. More than 600 of Dunav’s points of sale throughout Serbia are open to clients who are always welcome, emphasises Soković, while also announcing very ambitious plans for 2021. “Apart from maintaining our leadership position and a market share of at least 27 per cent, we plan to increase non-life insurance premiums by four per cent and life insurance premiums by 12. In the race for re- sults, the Company won’t neglect its support for social responsibility projects or its role in the community.”

Kompanija neće zanemariti podršku

projektima društvene

odgovornosti i svoju ulogu u zajednici, čiji je neodvojivi deo This company won‘t neglect its support for social responsibility projects or its role in the community, of which it represents an integral part

Business » Biznis | 23

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